Real SPIT Talk

Photo Ops with Stars: The Hidden Costs in Love

July 24, 2024 LadiE, Antoine, Khayriyyah, Dude Season 2 Episode 1

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Is it ever okay to spend $1,111 on a photo with Chris Brown without telling your partner? In this episode of Real Skit Talk, we tackle the controversy head-on, breaking down the impact of Chris Brown's pricey photo shoots on relationships. We question the boundaries of trust and communication, and whether transparency is always necessary. Comparisons with other celebrity antics, like Janet Jackson’s concerts, spark a lively debate on loyalty, transparency, and the assumptions we make in relationships.

We then shift gears to explore how communication and financial dynamics play out between partners. Through vivid anecdotes and real-life examples, we dig into how men and women perceive spending on celebrity encounters differently. We emphasize the importance of clear boundaries and open dialogue to avoid misunderstandings, especially when financial struggles and insecurities are involved. By understanding each other’s habits and mannerisms, couples can build stronger, more trusting relationships.

Our conversation doesn't stop there. We dive into the complexities of gender roles, submission, and the real meaning behind getting to know someone beyond their past experiences. From humorous role-playing scenarios to defining sugar daddy relationships, we keep things candid and insightful. Plus, don’t miss our special shout-out to our latest video, "Melody," and updates on exciting community events. This episode is packed with laughter, wisdom, and a few surprises along the way.

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Khayriyyah Contact: IG @lingerirguru_sucre
Dude Contact: IG - @dude_da_def

Speaker 1:

Well, welcome back to another episode of Real Skit Talk. It's your girl, lady, aka Lady, the rapper, lady, the actress, lady, the little bit of everything. Oh, brow Lady, can't forget that one.

Speaker 2:

And it's me dude to death or just dude, you know.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, I just wanted to have a little celebrity gossip today. I wanted to be able to talk about this whole Chris Brown um $1,111 $1111 photo shoots that he's been doing and just the whole controversy around it when it comes to the females and how allegedly he's broken up like six relationships thus far this year, with the meet and greet pictures that have been going viral.

Speaker 2:

Well, women's loyalty was tested loyalty though women's loyalty was tested. This, yeah, because I feel like most of the guys. I feel like any of the dudes and I could the guys. I feel like any of the dudes and I could be wrong, but I feel like any of the dudes that ended their relationship over that. Nine times out of ten they had no idea that that's what she was planning on doing and I feel like had they told them I mean open with it and he don't find out from me going by her own on social media then he would have less of a problem and issue with it. I just and he don't find out from me going by her own on social media, then he will have less of a problem and issue with it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I just want you to know.

Speaker 1:

But I mean so then are we saying that? Because the man obviously knows she's about to go to this Chris Brown concert. That part is not a surprise, right? So then that's because we're putting all the ownership on her, which, yes, because I would definitely be saying all right, babe, look look at him. Now. I mean not, I guess, personally me with Chris Brown, but if it was somebody that I would actually pay that much money to have a photo op with, you know, I'd be like look at him, babe. Now. You know, first off my celebrity crush and I don't get mad Now when I be having these pictures and they be the way they is, you know, you know, you know that's my boo.

Speaker 2:

But I'm saying, but it's you letting him know that there's a photo out, you can go to a, that's okay. So it'd be the same as a. It'd be different. But you know somebody had mentioned the jenna jessie concert. She always brings somebody up, you know. You don't know who who is gonna be, and it might be you. And it'd be different if chris brown brought your girl on stage, set her down in the chair and started dancing on a serenader or whatever. I wouldn't. I can't be mad at my girl for that. You know what. Push him off. You know why he, why he. This is part of the performance. But the picture thing is something that you know it's premeditated.

Speaker 2:

You know that you're going to you know that yeah because some of them some of them put it over time at work just so that they can spend that's 11. That's fine. The premeditated.

Speaker 1:

Come on now.

Speaker 2:

Now she committed a crime $1,111.

Speaker 1:

Preplanned. She had it preplanned, that's true, I don't care. Premeditated? Nah, that sounds criminal Really.

Speaker 2:

It sounds criminal.

Speaker 3:

It was criminal? No, it was not criminal, you did it without letting your man know your fiancee know that's that's.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of bad off to a start. If I'm talking about spending the rest of my life with you and you're in. Your response to that is well, I should have assumed that if you're going to see your celebrity crush, that there's a chance that you might take a picture. That's also like saying, oh, there's a chance that he might want to. You know, fuck me at the after, at the hotel or whatever, because they try to make it seem like that's so far-fetched, but it's also so common. How is it, you know?

Speaker 2:

But it's like saying that I said, oh well, you should assume that if he wanted to have sex with me, that I was going to go because that's my celebrity crush, versus you saying, hey, babe, I'm finna, go to his concert. Just let you know, though you know, if he picked me to come to the room, I'm going to the room. Then he make that decision. He might decide to stay all right, baby, just as long as you ain't tripping when you get, you know, whatever the case is or whatever stipulation they decide to agree on, but I feel like the ones that tripped are the ones. That was blindsided, because there ain't no way you go. You know, like that's like Kiki Palmer's baby daddy. You've seen what she wore when she left out and is still complaining. It would be that dumb.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but so my because my question when I said, or statement when I said, well, my question to my statement when I said that you know, we're just putting all the ownership on her, like, yes, that, like I said, and then I gave the example of I would do, I would say this, but that's just because I'm a blunt-ass person, you know. But at the same time, are we to assume that the man was just sitting there, knowing that she working this overtime, knowing that she doing this, knowing that she doing that to go to a Chris because, come on now, ain't nobody finna be doing all this other extra shit to go to a Chris Brown concert and not, or whoever's concert, and not be sitting there constantly talking about it? So I'm not, because I'm not saying assuming you making faces before I get there.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm laughing. I can make faces. I'm not making faces that look like I'm going to interrupt you. I'm making faces listening Probably the same faces they're making.

Speaker 3:

But go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Anywho, so why would he not bring it up if that's something that he's curious about as well? I'm not saying. I'm just saying that that's part of the conversation.

Speaker 2:

No, that's deflecting accountability.

Speaker 3:

No, I gave the accountability.

Speaker 1:

but I'm not deflecting, I'm not talking about you, r.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying, if she thought of it that way, like, oh well, you knew I was saving up, you knew that I was. I thought you were saving up for the concert, saving up for the concert, saving up for a bad outfit. So you go to the concert and see your celebrity crush perform. I didn't know that you were saying that you were saving up so that you can take this explicit pictures with them. You know, I mean to make it seem like y'all cuddled up.

Speaker 2:

It just wouldn't make sense to me that a woman had that conversation with her man and he still got upset. If he did, then he in the wrong, he completely in the wrong. Well, I knew he was going to take a picture with her, but I didn't know. It was like this what kind of picture you thought she was going to take? Yeah, even if that wasn't the idea of the picture she going to try to get, whatever type of you know, know, look like we together picture she can with that man, sure so okay, yeah, no, and like I said, obviously again I'm coming from the sense of I'm gonna say what I'm gonna do, but I'm playing devil's advocate and everybody thinks differently.

Speaker 1:

So again, why would? And he know, regardless. He know. I'm not saying he knows that she's gonna take the picture. What I'm saying is why would it not cross his mind If she ain't brought it up? Why would it not cross his mind to be like, you plan on taking a picture with Chris Brown?

Speaker 2:

while you're saving up and doing all this other shit. I want to assume that my fiance, that I don't have to ask no question like that.

Speaker 1:

I said broken up relationships that included marriages where they were already married, because I read a couple of stories. One you know already married, uh, engaged, and just boyfriend girlfriend so not all of them was fiance so we're talking about?

Speaker 2:

in the case of scenario where you just my girlfriend, then he gonna decide if she for the streets at that moment with a celebrity crush. Yeah, that don't make it exempt why he's your celebrity crush.

Speaker 2:

I mean I guess, coming from a personal standpoint, like I don't get starstruck. Even if I have a celebrity crush, I don't get starstruck, or nothing like that. So you know, and I look at them as a regular person. If I like her, you know I like her music or whatever. If she's a celebrity crush, it's everything that comes with that, Fucking, all of that. So if I have the opportunity, yeah, you know, type shit.

Speaker 2:

So I'm not gonna assume that you're gonna give me a pass just because this is my celebrity crush. But I know a lot of women think that they should get a pass but they also use that same thing. It's just a picture. It ain't like she going to get to have sex with him or something you know, as if that doesn't commonly happen, especially if you're a really attractive woman. So my thing is just, if I'm, I would, I would assume or I would look at it just as another man. You're not going to get any props from me for fucking. It's not like oh man, my girl, she been with Chris Brown, so why would I look at it like it was a one-up for?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

This was you making your choice for your good moment of the night. Sure, because you're not going to keep the shit to yourself. You're not why.

Speaker 3:

A man is still a man.

Speaker 2:

And other men telling you your girl, fuck Chris Brown and you still with her and you don't sit right with no man.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, I guess we getting way ahead of ourselves with the whole fucking part, because that wasn't at least none of the complaints that I read about, or whatever. I do know that there was this one girl who was like um, I read a post that she wrote and she's just like I wouldn't give a damn. She said I wouldn't give a damn if he got mad, I would do it a hundred times more, or whatever. But in that case and scenario, I mean I don't know, you know, like with her saying that I would assume that they had some type of prior conversation and he just still didn't like it, kind of like the kiki palmer situation where she went out, he saw where she went out, blah, blah. For her to say something like that.

Speaker 2:

I would imagine that she didn't what I took from that was this is my man, I definitely feel like she didn't give a flying fuck.

Speaker 1:

Clearly that I'm not taking that away, that's all I got from it.

Speaker 1:

That's all I'm saying but at the same time I take that as a the way she said that. It seems like that would have been one of those kiki farmer situations where you saw what the fuck she had on. She said she was gonna do this and now you just got mad that she actually did it. I was looking at it both ways. She obviously didn't give a fuck. That was clear. She didn't obviously didn't give a fuck. That was clear. She didn't give a fuck. She didn't care about him that much because she was still paid 10 more grand, she said.

Speaker 2:

And it's that you know what I mean. Think about people's situations. One of them might be struggling a little bit, you know or not. Struggling like poor, trying to make his meat, but struggling like you know, or not. Struggling like poor trying to make his meat, but struggling like you know. We're at the point where we have to budget and I sit up here and watch you. You see us struggling and you ain't. You ain't you know, you ain't making a move, taking initiative or nothing. But then I see you put in the overtime just so that you can make this money and hand it over to a nigga for a picture, just so that you can make this money and hand it over to a nigga for a picture. It's not logical to some men to register and be okay with that.

Speaker 1:

But we're assuming that's a situation where it was. What if it just wasn't a situation? I'm not assuming that that's a situation.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying that that's a scenario. It don't matter what case or scenario that we can bring up, it still boils down to a man's mindset. It's a man versus it's a man to another man. And, like I said with anything, with most things, men just want to know they don't want to be blindsided.

Speaker 2:

So, like I said, if that is the case and he knew, you know, and it was like the kiki palmer situation then he'll go for you. It's plain as that. But any other case outside of that it's on her and there's none, there's no scenario that you can build to put it on him or make it his responsibility of.

Speaker 1:

He should have known better well, I didn't say, at no point did I say he should have known.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking about anybody, I'm no point. Did I say he should have known? Oh yeah, I'm talking about anybody.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about the situation, yeah I was just saying would it not cross his mind to ask the question if this is some like okay, if you're in a relationship with a person, you kind of know whether or not they get his head about I'm gonna go to this yeah, so so you're not going to inquire. Even if you don't want to inquire, what if?

Speaker 2:

you don't want to come off as that insecure ass nigga like because you and you want to respect that like. I don't have a problem if you have a celebrity crush, I am completely okay with you, know. I mean because I am thinking like you won't like you want me to think any like you ever so, then why would you cancel?

Speaker 2:

the opportunity, because that shows a sign of insecurity. If I already know this is your celebrity crush and I know that you want to go see him in concert and I'm okay with that, then why am I going to be like are you going to be taking pictures with him? That's insecurity. It's literally the start.

Speaker 1:

Asking for confirmation is not insecurity. That's not.

Speaker 2:

We talking about a man's standpoint.

Speaker 1:

You asking why would a man?

Speaker 2:

And we don't. We don't respond the same way emotionally. That will be an insecure response. A question for a man to ask Because I'm supposed to already trust that we have the understanding of what it is and what it ain't. You know what I mean, or what's acceptable and what's not, and if it's anything that you think I wouldn't accept, then that will be you informing me, you confirming to me that this is what you're going to do outside of the norm, outside, because you're the one that's stepping outside of the boundaries that y'all set for each other in a relationship.

Speaker 1:

Even if it's a celebrity. That's the whole point. You're going outside of the norm. Okay, right, but now I'm confused because I feel like in the last one I just said you know why would he? Because I always said that, I never said he should assume. But then you're going based off of I'm thinking, the way you want me to think, so that's him assuming instead of the. You just said that going based off of how a woman thinks, so he's already expecting that this is her celebrity crush. She's going to do that. He's, you know, she's whatever going to go outside the norm and you know that this is her celebrity crush, so you're not going to ask.

Speaker 2:

I said how, coming from how a man thinks, I don't want nobody to think that I'm speaking for women, or how women think, you see how they twist that shit up, you'd have chicks fall for that. Be in the comments like how you gonna say how women think, like y'all can rewind that. Y'all know I said how men think that I can only come from a man's perspective I didn't say.

Speaker 1:

I said that in one point. You were like I'm thinking how you want me to think with the assumption of this is your celebrity crush, blah, blah, blah, etc.

Speaker 2:

Not, you were saying what women think, I know, I know. But then you, you said he was like, and you said I guess you was like summing it up, so you're speaking fast. But you said you know. You said how, uh, this I'm coming from, or this is how women think, or something. You said something like that to that extent and that's why I'm like, let me just insert that Like, that's not what I said that part, but go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I guess the whole either not wanting to ask because in a man's mind it's insecure, when logically thinking it's just confirmation. If you haven't stated this, just because I know this show, celebrity Crush, I'm assuming. So I'm going to ask. But it doesn't have to mean I'm asking insecurely. You plan on taking pictures? I could. You ain't said nothing about it, the end.

Speaker 3:

Like insecurity.

Speaker 1:

after that is getting upset about it or complaining or trying to make a person feel bad about whatever the case may be, If that was something that a person wasn't already feeling some sort of way about because of whatever prior situation. So yeah, I guess it just goes back to my original question of why not just ask for confirmation if a person hasn't said anything about it.

Speaker 2:

OK. So I will say again it's because you're the one that's stepping up, you're the one who's going to be the same way, and them will be the same way, if I don't, normally, you know I like strippers or some shit. You know, and I'm finna, go to this party, I'm finna, go hang with the guys or whatever. I don't tell you that it's. Or you know that it's strippers there. You know it's strippers that's going to be there. So you know and this is me saying it in the same scenario so you know that there's a chance that ass is going to be shaking and stuff in my face.

Speaker 3:

Uh-huh and no chance. That's literally what you want, therefore.

Speaker 2:

I mean not everybody, you know they watch. They're not always the ones sitting in the chair with their ass in the face. Well sure, I'm talking about literally ass cheeks bouncing in your face. You've been in a strip club?

Speaker 1:

I've never been in a strip club to the point where I've seen anybody get an ass in their face or nothing. I've just seen a girl. Well, the people that do, I mean I know what happens.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Y'all know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

It's the from me going to see the strippers watch the strippers, versus me being a part of the stripper show. And if I know, but then it's me. If I know that a stripper's going to be there but it's supposed to be with the guys or going to hang out at this thing and I know strippers is going to be there, then yeah, that would be on me. If I'm in a relationship to let her know Otherwise there, then yeah, that would be on me if I'm in a relationship to let her know otherwise. If she finds out later she's gonna feel like I was sneaky about it, especially if she know that I knew. Well, you knew strippers was gonna be there. Why didn't you mention it? Well, you, you know, you know I was going with the guys.

Speaker 2:

You ain't saying is strippers gonna be there? You know I like strippers, like, are you gonna participate with these strippers? Like that's me putting all of that on you, putting that on you to ask the questions, knowing that I'm putting myself out there to be in that position. If you're okay with that, then that's fine. You say you're okay with that. But I'm responding to your question as to why we're putting it on a man If he knows that this is her celebrity crush and she likes him, and he knows that he's been out here taking these pictures. Mind you, he's been taking pictures since before the explicit looking ones. You know that's what celebrities do, especially at meet and greets, so that's not a question.

Speaker 1:

logically, he definitely took it a step ahead, right?

Speaker 2:

so logically, especially if she's not, if he, if he, if he don't know and didn't know that she was paying for a picture, then that means she intentionally kept that part away from the conversation. She, she, she led him to believe that that's not even something that she was considering. And again, I could be wrong. He could be the baby daddy, ass, nigga, and he knew that she was going to take the pictures, but he knew it was going to be like that. Or he knew that he was going to take explicit pictures, but he didn't know it was going to go viral and everybody was going to start seeing. All these things in the comments mean.

Speaker 1:

This is that's insecurity, like you already knew about it.

Speaker 2:

But I'm saying those are those type of situations but okay.

Speaker 1:

so with the strip club thing, I feel like so let's say, let's say you like, okay, one of the guys, finna, go get married, um, and he's gonna have a bachelor party, I'm gonna automatically assume it's gonna be strippers there, going to automatically assume it's going to be strippers there. I might ask for confirmation. It's going to be strippers there. You're going to be like, yeah, you're going to get a lap dance, ain't it? You know that doesn't mean, or the fact that you went to one, and then you come back and then I'm like you got a lap dance, didn't you? I assumed it. You ain't have to tell me, oh, I'm going to get a lap dance or whatever, like this you got a lap dance, didn't you?

Speaker 1:

I expect that because it's a stripper there For someone to get upset with you Because it's a stripper there, because you expect to know that at a bachelor party there's going to be a lot of strippers.

Speaker 2:

Right, you're talking about a bachelor party, or even if you go to the strip, part out, because I'm creating a scenario that isn't the obvious. It isn't the obvious that the women that's going to be taking pictures with him is going to be explicit Unless you're paying for it. That's what the fuck they all going to do. No, he just started doing that. I mean, it's been the last couple of years, but if he was already taking it, it's been only like two years.

Speaker 1:

The last couple of years.

Speaker 2:

Almost about two years. It ain't been that long.

Speaker 1:

He's been taken him before this year, even if it was a whole two years.

Speaker 2:

That's not a long time from how long he's been in the game and taking pictures with fans as many pictures as you've seen around with fans. Many fans took pictures with him. That wasn't explicit. Why would I assume this one is an explicit one, unless you know?

Speaker 2:

it was mentioned because, mind you again we're in a relationship and you're paying over a thousand dollars for a picture, I have to consider and reconsider your morals, you know, I mean your thought process, especially if this isn't something that you mentioned to me or that we agreed upon. I'm gonna be thinking in my head like, damn, you can't, you can't help me. You know, get us, get us. You know, get a float or whatever, but you can go hustle that money up to to spend it on a picture but what if she is somebody who does help financially and she is doing that, then what would you be upset for?

Speaker 1:

because people be upset, that's what.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying right because now we go up and down. You can keep on saying well, it's people right, it's people down here, it's people up here. We're just going to keep going up and down with that every time you go up here, I come up here with you and you talk about the lowest person. So I go down there with you. But then you talk about the lowest person, so I go down there with you. Then you say okay, but then you talk about the highest person to compensate for what the lowest person would do.

Speaker 1:

I don't no.

Speaker 2:

You don't get what I mean by that.

Speaker 1:

No, I get what you mean. I don't think that's what I'm doing. I feel like I'm comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges.

Speaker 2:

That's how you want to do an apple.

Speaker 1:

But comparing the lowest to the highest is not apples to apples.

Speaker 2:

You go here, I come up here. Okay, that's where you want to take it. You're using this scenario. Okay, come up there, use that scenario, and then you'll be like, oh well then, what about that? You know you can't say that, because there's some situations where a woman might this might be the case or the man, whatever the man, we can say whatever name.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm just saying like one, a different one?

Speaker 2:

yeah, and this might be the case, it's okay. So then that negates what I just said about this scenario, because that's that's what my response was to this scenario. So that's why my response is that it ain't indefinite, it ain't just for all the women or all the cases or scenarios. This is me responding to the scenario that you put up and then you go down here to deflect or to defend against that scenario. Well, what about if this was the case or the situation? Ok, let's go down here to that scenario.

Speaker 1:

I guess, I don't know, I don't know. That's. That's the thing of a man versus a woman. We, the thinking, the thought process is just completely different and it's a communication barrier? Yeah, definitely is, but either way I don't know. Is, but either way I don't know. I just feel like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I guess, ultimately, people in relationships, for whatever reasons, but I feel like when you in a relationship, you should probably know the person that you're with and I'm not saying that as in, you should fucking know that they're. They did this behind your back or whatever like that. But you should know the person that you're with. You should know which is why I prompted, so there's not going to be any questions. And that's crazy as hell to say that a person they did this behind your back or whatever like that. But you should know the person that you're with. You should know which is why I prompted, so there's not going to be any questions. And that's crazy as hell to say that a person shouldn't ask questions, like if you have a question, if you're curious about something, you should definitely fucking ask the question Well, what if he's not?

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. What if he's not initially curious about that? Who's not curious about gonna go see chris brown, knowing good and goddamn well for the last two years? Because if, because, if me and my girl have a bond which is why we even got to this point of her being my girl, because we done passed all the other stuff, all the other women that I'm dating and all of that, we done passed that and now she's my woman for a reason, because I can trust her to come to me about anything as a man, as his woman, you're supposed to inform.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it'd be the same way if we walked in a room and it's somebody you know. You see me shaking his hand and you know y'all been together, but you don't say anything. And your excuse when I find out later is oh well, you didn't ask me. You saw me give him a hug. You didn't ask me if me and him ever did anything. It's like a man is assuming that, as my woman, you wouldn't want no man to feel like he got one up over me so you would let me know. I'm going to still shake his hand because I don't have a problem with him. You know what I mean. But because you know and he knows, why would she be hugging?

Speaker 2:

him if they had fucked Like that just Because people do that, people have and I don't know. But you know that it isn't no, no, we still fucking type of thing. It's just somebody that you've been with before, or even them speaking, or even just them shaking my hand. It isn't just you focus on him giving her the hug. Let's take the hug out, and you just see it wasn't a major part, because we just took it out and it still holds.

Speaker 1:

It was, but go ahead Okay.

Speaker 2:

The major part is him shaking the man's hand.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you allowing that, and don't tell your man at any point of time before after that that that's someone that you dated, slept with or whatever after sure beforehand, unless it was specifically brought, of course, obviously it would have to be brought up or in a situation where the opportunity presents itself for you to let him know before you like let's say it's not the, let's say it's not the club, let's say it's a more secluded area and he come in and that's the only person, that's the boss.

Speaker 2:

You coming in for a gig or something and your girl coming in with you and she see you know what I mean. She see the dude that you have to go meet for your thing. That's an opportunity to like hey, hey, before you go up in and just let you know well, yeah that because you're going to be working with somebody.

Speaker 1:

But if y'all just out and about, I just right, but that's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally talking about those are the cases, scenario where me and this person I ain't talking and talking about us just being in the same room, talking about you knowing that I'm going to interact with this person or you see me interact with this person then that's on you to tell me, not for me to ask you, because that shows, from a man's perspective, a sign of insecurity. Women don't mind asking that. She'll ask you that about every girl. You say hi to give a hug, to look at, wave at you, whatever, because it isn't a sign of insecurity for her. It's her wanting to know. But from a man's standpoint, even a woman would feel like that. Every time a dude spoke to you and he questioned you about it, you're going to start thinking that he has some insecurities and I'm going to talk about you specifically if you don't. But I've dealt with enough women. I'm 39 years old to know that that's definitely how they would think.

Speaker 1:

You know, I always come from a point of I don't think like most women, so I can't. I, I can just go off of my experiences and the people that I know around me and just my little circle, like I'm. I'm basically like family feud. When in a world full of however the fuck many people they be like yeah, it's a top 100 people, that's my circle. My circle, my information, comes from that top 100 people look it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

I'm that top 100 people, oh anywho. But yeah, I don't know. I think just it comes down to things like honest, honesty, communication, insecurities and for me I do feel like people need to and again, but I feel like that depends on the person you're with and you should know the person you with. Everybody is. You should know the person you're with. Everybody is different. There's so many fucking different personalities.

Speaker 1:

Some jobs will have you take like fucking tests, you know, ask you a bunch of random ass fucking questions, high stress questions, low stress questions to see where you are on a four scale circle like red, blue, yellow, green, whatever the fuck it is. You know like what type of personality you have. There are some people who are fucking aggressive, some people who just super submissive and don't like no type of fucking confrontation, and all these different type of personalities and I feel like, depending on the person that you're with, you need to know them. It's just like the same as knowing someone's love language. If you're constantly trying to love somebody in a love language that they don't understand or that's, that's not the way they perceive love, then they're never going to feel like. It doesn't mean that you're not, it's just that it doesn't commute with them.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like if you know your significant other, then you should fucking know, and yes, there should. There should be communication, and when there's not, it is. You know that puts more fault on one side than the other. But I don't think the not asking questions because of whatever feelings from men or women is, I don't think that's good enough. That's like. That's like. That's like that's how motherfuckers end up in situationships because they don't ask questions that's different though no, it's not, it's this, it's.

Speaker 1:

You ask fucking questions when you ask questions.

Speaker 2:

but okay, so, and this is it's biological fact, so we can, we? I don't live in a world where I feel like there's gender roles. I feel like there's roles that majority of men do, then women and vice versa, or whatever, but I don't come from that. However, I do not argue about a biological response.

Speaker 1:

If this is the natural way that women respond, then we have to accept that as men and come up with ways to accept that and to operate within that without getting upset or whatever. America does not do that, they don't.

Speaker 3:

People don't At all At all, but we still can't ignore the facts.

Speaker 2:

But we still can't ignore the facts, like when women say they try to make men feel less than because real men don't match energy. Yes, they do. Competitive men, alpha males, match energies. Or the philosopher? Well, he's not even philosophy, he. He was a professor and I posted it on my page like two times and he said that men are natural, natural competitors and they meet aggression with aggression. So men are literally the epitome of what it means to match energy. Men are literally the epitome of what it means to match energy. Women can naturally deter the energy that they're getting from someone they don't have to. They can choose not to, but naturally they have that ability. Men naturally match energy. If you up here, I'm coming up here with you to bring you back down here, you know. So what?

Speaker 1:

no go ahead, go ahead. I was just gonna say that I feel like I watch a lot of fucking like ammo planet and shit like that. And two things one, I'm I'm for matching energies. I don't match actions, but I match energy. So you could be doing something like if, if you're being fake, I can match your energy of being fake, and when I mean what I say about that is I, I keep my distance from you, but the fakeness come in. When you hit me up, I act like ed thing, all good. Because you want to act like ed thing, all good. I'm gonna still keep my distance and I'm like that's me. Matching energies has nothing to do with me matching actions. So I'm a big believer of you can match energies Without matching actions.

Speaker 1:

But then back to the whole Animal planet thing and a lot of like Alpha males In different packs and shit like that. Competitive, yes, but the Fucking king of a jungle, the lion, is not going to match the energy of his queen. He's not. He's not going to match her energy. If she wants to argue with him, it's not. No, it's not.

Speaker 2:

I watch a lot of Wolf Alpha we're talking about, yes, with his Luna, not with his Luna. I've seen a whole pack tear down the alpha female because the alpha male said so. So it's. And we're not talking about animals we're talking about. I'm talking about a man's biological makeup, which is different, because I wouldn't. I wouldn't compare it to animals because, just because the same way, the difference between an animal female and a woman, a female lion doesn't choose who she submit to. She doesn't make that choice, she chooses whoever wins most. Animals don't choose who they submit to. Women have that choice. Rather, he a broke ass nigga a deadbeat ass nigga.

Speaker 2:

A hoe ass nigga. A clown ass nigga. Lame ass nigga. She can choose and she does pick and choose when and if she wants to submit to that man. Women, animals don't have that choice. So I don't compare that to animals, just like you can't compare uh uh men when we're talking about their makeup and their reaction. And when I said match energy, I was not at no time thinking uh, action, matching action. That's why I said aggression. Aggression is a feeling before it's an action.

Speaker 1:

Aggression can only be a feeling, don't have to even be a reaction or you know anything physical I guess my my point of bringing up animals is that I get it, that the alpha men they're very competitive and all that other extra stuff which is the whole matching aggression with aggression and so forth or whatever. But typically you're not seeing that same attitude that they would match to a man, that they would match to a woman, and that be they. It's not the same energy put in. You're not going to put in the same energy of aggression towards another man that you would towards a woman, even if you're matching that aggression, which I feel like.

Speaker 1:

So I'm an woman and and I feel like it's going to take an alpha who's more, more of an alpha than I am, to make me submit. But that's like, and I understand that I can, I can, I got a mouth on me, et cetera, so forth. And it's not that I would not be submissive, because that's that's more so what I crave than anything. I'm just an alpha because, one, that's my personality and two, my circumstances fucking just birth that to me. That's what the fuck happened. But my alpha male, if I'm getting loud, doesn't necessarily have to get loud with me. He can fucking tame me with a look or a sound or just a word like that doesn't have to be I'm gonna match your energy. He needs to know how to fucking tame an alpha female. An alpha male, in my opinion, needs to know how to tame, not match the energy of his alpha female in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

But you know I'll be that group of it still goes back to women picking and choosing whether they alpha or whatever. They pick and choose who they want to submit to. And if you don't want to submit to this person or you don't want to submit to this particular situation, you can submit to this man all day. As't want to submit to this particular situation, you can submit to this man all day as long as he drop my dick. And then the moment y'all you know bump heads and then you thinking you know, uh, that that is going to something else or he's entertaining something else, then that submission that you gave him is no longer there. That doesn't happen with animals.

Speaker 1:

So, like I said, it is it I feel like then it's a pretend, because it's not a pretend when I'm submissive to. When a man has made me submissive, there is no like it takes. It takes a little bit more for me to be combative, just because that's that's an aura, that's that's that's. That is what it is. I can't like, I'm never going to sit there if a man got me regardless. But again, I'm me. I'm not the typical fucking female then why don't you?

Speaker 2:

let me finish? Okay, talking about the typical okay no, go ahead, I'm just. I just wanted to say that because I still we got stuck on aggression part and that wasn't the point. I only used that as a point of biological makeup or whatever. And now we're talking about and when I said meet aggression with aggression or whatever, and matching energies, it had everything to do with.

Speaker 1:

Where would I go on, I don't even remember oh my bad, I don't even remember, but I look at him, chris Brown, stirring up all type of shit no, we changed the subject.

Speaker 2:

We just moved to another, another topic, without having to shift over but I feel like because I wasn't saying that in regards to the whole chris brown thing. Well, yeah, no, no, I wouldn't say yeah, it was a good layover to bring up the topic of um but I'm matching sure, I'm sure that just has something to do, because it's men and women in relationship.

Speaker 1:

These are the people who are breaking up, so these thought processes all matter with however people are thinking. You know, first off, in my opinion, people jump into relationships too fucking fast anyway.

Speaker 2:

They get in relationships for the simple title or benefits to them I mean, that's always the case, though and one of them end up forcing the other one into relationships that with without the, the conversation or the understanding. And I was talking to somebody yesterday, um, and she was telling me how her and her fiance met, you know which. I've known both of them for years now, but they, you know, as far as them being a couple and stuff, I didn't know anything about that until you know, the past two years, but she was just explaining a lot of stuff and it was, and it was like I guess it was more so confirmation for me, because I agree with with her, you know, just just. You know everything from from him courting her and actually wanting to get to know her, regardless of you know her past, and you know, even admitting, like you know, I was dating, I was single, so I was doing me, you know, before I whatever, and he understood that, coming in and to the gate, and he never tried to stop that, you know, even when he told me like she, like he told me, you know, until or less, or whatever, we're together.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm not going to, you know and she was like, but it wasn't a malicious way, she didn't, he didn't treat her different based off of what she was doing. He wasn't trying to stop her, change her. Like you know, do what you got to do, do what you need to do to get it out, whatever the case is, you know when you're ready, this is what we'll be, but until then, you know, let's spend this time getting to know each other, and she's like they really was able to do that, and I feel like that goes to what you were saying about getting to know each other and not jumping into relationships so fast, sitting up talking all the time, talking about your past situations, relationships and all that. That's not getting to know each other. That's trying to inform. You know what I've been through, so you don't you know, whatever the case is.

Speaker 2:

That's getting to know it's it may it's not the real getting to know each other, the getting to know each other and seeing, because, because the same person that to tell you about their past will also tell you that they're no longer their past, that they're a new person now. So I want to get to know you and the now. Yes, in the process of that, I'll get to to know your past. But us sitting up exchanging conversations about our past is not us getting to know each other. Us getting to know each other is the now. Am I going to be attracted to the now? Am I going to like your mannerisms and how you are now, your habits? That's getting to know somebody. Can I ask myself, like, even though this irritates me or it bothers me, is that something that I can deal with for the rest of my life and be okay with it? And then, once you come to that point, then those type of things become funny to you. And I'm gonna say a quick scenario from that.

Speaker 2:

Uh, it was, it happened on the spot and, um, we ran out of ice and she called him like. Uh, you know what she was trying to call him. She was calling and texting him like we need some more ice before you get it because she knew he was coming at some point. Before you get it, we need some more ice. She called and texted, calling and texting. He comes strolling in, walking in, smiling, with no ice, you know, and all she did was laugh and shook her head because she know him she didn't get upset, like I've been calling and texting your phone, what was you doing?

Speaker 2:

and none of that. She didn't sit there with no smirk on her face, you know, waiting on him to see that she's bothered because she didn't let her mind wander After she left. We kind of had a discussion about it and she's like he's never attached. He's like he's not the type of person that's attached to his phone.

Speaker 2:

And it clicked because that's how I am. I don't care if you see me do a post or whatever. It doesn't mean I'm sitting in my phone and I try intentionally not to be in my phone, so much. You know. I intentionally get up and try to do something first when I wake up, instead of get up and looking through my phone. I might open it to look at the time to see if I need to get up, but I try not to do those. You know those type of things.

Speaker 2:

But the point was she learned this about him before they got together. So because she knows that this is how he is, she's been able to laugh about those things instead of thinking the worst whenever he don't answer his phone and stuff. And she said it's only made their relationship you know better. It taught her something. You know having to gain a different level of understanding, but it's just like that's getting to know each other, it's getting to know the habits, instead of saying this is a person I want to be with and now I need him to make it be like the man that I want, instead of seeing if this type of man is the man that I want yeah, yeah, for sure, and I agree with that.

Speaker 1:

That is that's. She knew that about him before she fell for him. She knew that about him before she fell for him because that is something that a lot of people in general men and women are very sensitive to. You know you're not answering me this and that, but if you know this person is never on on their phone or around their phone and all that stuff, it's something that you won't get offended by. But the difference is, when some it is, it's something it's not.

Speaker 2:

It was. That was something that she had to learn.

Speaker 3:

That wasn't something I didn't ever say that she.

Speaker 2:

I never said that that's something that she learned before going in. I said that's something that she had to learn at while getting to know him, at whatever point in time that was during the dating process, before people even make it official yeah, but even I'm just.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm just, but I'm saying, even if you make it official, it's still a learning process. You're learning the person that you're with instead of coming up with different excuses and scenarios, like you said. Oh well, she knew that he doesn't be in his phone and stuff like that, but that was something she had to learn. That wasn't something he said hey, just to let you know, I probably ain't going to text you or whatever. That was something she had to learn. That wasn't something he said hey, you know, just to let you know, I probably don't text you or whatever.

Speaker 1:

That was something she had to learn, obviously, because you know something. You know something from going through it, like you learn. You learn that. That's why I said she know, because somebody telling you something is not you learning something, right, you learn from experience. So that was implied when I said she learned it. She learned it. She knew that prior to the love, because ain't no way in hell you fall in love with someone who constantly has their phone on them and around them and checking it when you're with them, but that's the end I I know. That's why I said when they were dating that's something she had to come to the realization of, because you don't make it past communication.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to stay clear of that situation. I want to know why we're going to that scenario of someone being in a phone. That's why I said it don't If I'm around you and I'm in my phone. It could be multiple reasons. Could be because you sit in your phone and I don't have nothing to do with my fingers or my eyes, so I'm going to go on my phone. It could be because I'm away from home, but when I'm at home I try to relax. You know what I mean. Like it isn't me at home, around you and you seeing me on my phone. This is me being outside. This is me being, you know, in a public outing and being in my phone, versus when I'm at home and I'm actually doing something like my time, my hobbies, or cleaning or whatever the case is and and you, because, regardless of when I'm on my phone or not, that's the justification that women do not to understand that this is a person that's not always in their phone.

Speaker 2:

You want to monitor how long or how much they're in their phone when they're around you and that isn't the same. I don't think it's a good excuse or analogy to say that or to determine whether a person or how much a person is in their phone based on how they're in their phone when they're around you.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to disagree. You can? Yeah, I'm going to disagree.

Speaker 2:

You can.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to disagree because if I always see you on your phone when you're around me, but then you're never and we're not talking about because I'm in my phone, because of this, if you're always on your phone, you're around me and then you're barely able to contact or connect with me outside of being around me.

Speaker 2:

That's that's a whole last rid of. That's a whole, but that's a whole, nother different scenario to make that that's literally what I said right but I'm just saying that's a different scenario from what I was saying. To make it valid, why would I be talking about the worst case scenario?

Speaker 1:

Well, no, because I agreed with what you said initially and then I was like she learned that, and then you went into a whole other.

Speaker 2:

No, but you went okay, so you made it into and I'm listening when you laid it out. You made it as if this was something that she learned about him, that she knew about him, and it was because he wasn't in her phone, his phone, around her.

Speaker 1:

No, I said she learned it when they were dating, because when you're in the courtship stage, like, you have your communication, so obviously he was the same then as he is now. So she learned to be like that's just him, okay, but that's what.

Speaker 2:

That's what we're talking about. I'm talking. What I'm talking about is understanding one another and then asking yourself if that's what you can do. And then I use the case of scenario of I said if this is the type of person that he is and that's what you see, you don't get to use a scenario like that. I'm not saying you using a scenario, I'm saying how, how there could be a situation that's never happened to you before, but because it's happened to somebody, you can use that as an excuse not to believe that I'm not in my phone. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

But again, when I say something, I'm not coming from the masses of people who are just pulling shit out their ass.

Speaker 2:

What are you talking about? Okay, I know when you come in you're coming from a personal standpoint makes it a conflict if, if, if I'm specifically talking about a point of getting to know each other and you make a scenario of a point, a situation, scenario where you can't trust the person and the reason why you can't trust them. But I'm talking about a scenario, situation where it is trusted or it's something that is, uh, learned and obtained from getting to know somebody right.

Speaker 1:

I'm confused. That's to why we're arguing. Because you made that point, I completely agreed with you, and then because I used the word learn and the and and I stated the fact that she learned it before she fell in love. That's where this debate is coming from. I completely had agreed with what you said. Okay, I guess.

Speaker 2:

I guess I'm saying because I never stated that it was before she fell in love I don't know. I'm saying I'm speaking, but you said, but you said I'm speaking of the fact that she did it before she fell in love. Neither you or me know when she fell in love. We don't know if she fell in love before or after they got in a relationship, which is why I didn't speak. I just want I'm speaking about somebody that I just spoke to Yesterday. Sure, I want I don't want anything to be misconstrued About what she told me Sure, that's the only.

Speaker 2:

That's the reason why I'm correcting.

Speaker 1:

But me speaking on her. I don't even know who the fuck she is.

Speaker 2:

Right, but that's the only I brought. I'm bringing up their case in that scenario and I don't want to deter from that, and then it starts to seem as if that is that is related to their situation. I wanted people to understand that situation, that's all.

Speaker 1:

I think our listeners understand that we completely fucking go a wire, hey, wire, what would we bring up?

Speaker 1:

A scenario and then it leads to multiple conversations over and over relatable conversations and shit that it just stems from. But, like, I mean, obviously I can't be saying that I speak for someone who I have absolutely no idea who you're even talking about. But I'm saying as a woman. That's typically something that you learn about somebody before you, like you can have feelings, but before you get in love with somebody, like communication is big for a woman and if they tell you it's not big for them, it's just because they don't give a fuck about the communication from you, that much to not care. But communication, you talking to me, you showing me that I'm important in your fucking life, your day, that's that's important for women. The end, like I'm a fucking woman, I can speak to that and if they do not give a fuck, it's because they just don't care that it comes from you. So what I'm saying is that is behavior that she knew about prior to falling in love.

Speaker 1:

In my opinion, that women and yeah, yeah, we know that it's always my opinion, we know that I say that every single fucking show I think we didn't already say that yes yes, I'm always we. We didn't already determine every single show that I come from, a place of me and my.

Speaker 2:

But then you literally just say I'm speaking for women at this point, but that's me and my top 100 the

Speaker 1:

top 100. People say anyway, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I already said it I'm just saying women typically care about communication and if they say they don't, it's just because they do not care about the communication with you. Now, my women, when y'all see this fucking talk about it, let me, let me know. Am I wrong? Am I speaking only on my top 100? What's going on? Because, like, seriously, this is what's communication is important. So for her to know how his communication skills are, that's something that she knew, or most women know, about a partner. Before they decide that I'm going to be with you, I know how your communication is before I mean.

Speaker 2:

Most women don't. That was the case when we went in there with ain't shit ass niggas.

Speaker 1:

That's the choice. Did we not say people choose? Did we not say people choose?

Speaker 2:

But you just said that communication is important and a woman wouldn't make that choice to go forward unless those things were established, and that's not the case. I said communication is important.

Speaker 1:

I didn't say that women don't choose to be in dumb ass situations. I didn't say that.

Speaker 2:

But I'm talking about what you're saying. My point of bringing her up, bringing that scenario up, was to show you that the way she was thinking is not the typical way that women think. Agreed, I didn't want to steer to the typical way of women thinking because I wanted to make it a point that there are women that don't all think that way, women that don't all think that way, and because that's the type of woman that he would need to have that type of understanding of him and still trust him and still not take it to her head, where now her actions is making her be impulsive because the assumptions that she made.

Speaker 2:

You can say that we communicate and ask questions when you want to know all the time, but a woman will act like she believed you when you told her, when she asked that question and then later on, down the line, let's say you catch her up on some shit, she gonna bring up what that scenario and the fact that, even though she made it seem like she believed you at the time, she didn't really believe you, and that's the reason why y'all are having this argument right now. Believe you, and that's the reason why y'all are having this argument right now. It might not be, it might not be from your perspective, but again, I'm 39 and I've I've, I've been in those situations enough to know that it is a typical situation and it's a typical way of thinking, and that's thinking different yeah, I don't know, I guess I don't disagree with everything, but then again I just feel like people be people in it, and it's not just fucking females, that that's people.

Speaker 1:

No, absolutely, guys think and do. I know I said people, guys think and do that same shit, but I think I just that be people, people and I put those people in a certain category. I'm not going to say typically, I think people who are one who jump into shit, because nowadays a lot of people jump into shit. Just again, for fuck's sake, they jump in it because they're tired of paying bills.

Speaker 2:

I was just about to say, because they fucking need help.

Speaker 3:

I was legit.

Speaker 1:

People jump into relationships because they don't want to pay for shit alone.

Speaker 1:

People jump into relationships because they poor and need somewhere to stay. Men and women and people jump in relationships because they're lonely and just want to have a relationship. These are the three reasons that people fucking jump in a relationship A necessity of you. It's beneficial to you in some way. You not by yourself, because because a lot of motherfuckers be in relationships and situations where it be toxic and not beneficial, but or or or at least not beneficial yeah, because it'd be not beneficial, but they do it because they don't want to be by themselves, men and women, and then it just be toxic as fuck. And then you got people who do it simply because it's beneficial to them in some way, whether it's because they don't want you to be with anybody else okay, toxic shit yeah, it's beneficial to them in some other fucking way is the point.

Speaker 1:

It's beneficial to them, or people just are lonely and choose to be and deal with whoever the fuck you know like, because it is be people out there like that. But it's a lot of you motherfuckers who just homosexuals and when I say that I mean you fucking for home, because you home, home, h-o-m-p. Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

Speaker 2:

you're not wrong. I'm not wrong. You're not wrong, I'm not wrong. However, it used to be just like women doing that shit. No, you're not wrong.

Speaker 1:

But men, been doing that shit You're not wrong.

Speaker 2:

But I will say, because I made that statement, you know, because you know, every wintertime those statuses go up.

Speaker 1:

Wintertime is a relationship.

Speaker 2:

You know, these men finna start looking for a place to stay. I'm telling you know these men, finna start looking for a place to stay and you gotta open home with a fireplace waiting for that nigga to come and stay. You're dangling the damn mistletoe and shit and and and and stuff stocking over his head like, come on in here, it's warm and cozy, you can stay for the winter.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't, I don't deny that some of these men fuck with chicks in certain seasons, in certain seasons, to benefit. You know, I don't deny that at all. But I will say that some of those same women that complain about that are usually that's around the time they look and they know that's the best time to look because that's when they desperate for a relationship and they know they can get it same way, why y'all on them, on them? Jailhouse websites looking for a prisoner to come.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, let's talk about no, no, no, no, no, no, not. Oh, oh, that just brought me, okay. So apparently it was this guy who who got kicked out? Random guy I don't know where he was from, but it was on the internet, went fucking viral. Random guy who got kicked out Random guy. I don't know where he was from, but it was on the internet. It went fucking viral. Random guy who got kicked out of his craft.

Speaker 2:

He put it on Facebook or on social media.

Speaker 1:

I ain't going to say that. I saw it on Facebook. I'm a one social media type of person.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah he was looking for a place. I read that he had over 10,000 responses in less than 24 hours. First off, what in less than 24 hours? First off, what the fuck are you women thinking like, okay, he, he was handsome, he looked good, that's fine, whatever. But like what the fuck is that? Is that? Is that what people are on? Is that what y'all on? Y'all that desperate for a fucking relationship that you just see someone who's good looking and then they be doing that too with like prison babe, prison boo and shit like that? Like what the actual fuck people?

Speaker 2:

But people are saying that in the comments like this is so y'all a prime example. You know it was women clowning other women too, like you know, like they feel sorry for any women that have kids. Like so she's like. So y'all gonna move in again because random, because he's attractive.

Speaker 2:

Right, she said one of them said well, a couple of them said it and it made sense. She, like they like. The sad part is, this man didn't ask for a place to stay. He asked for help to find a place to stay. He said that he has money to pay rent. You know what I mean. Said that he has money to pay rent, you know I mean. So he's not looking for a handout, he's not looking for someone, uh, to bring him in their house so that they can start making rules for this nigga. You know, because that's what motherfuckers do. That's why you don't, that's probably why he's not looking to move in with somebody, you know I mean, to take care of him. He's looking to find a place to establish himself.

Speaker 1:

And they took it like oh, you need you looking for shelter to be fair, I read the little status he made and it wasn't. It didn't read like. I'm just places to read it didn't read it. It didn't read like I'm looking I'm broken down.

Speaker 2:

He said he talked about a one bedroom. He said he said he talked about having a job, all of those things, all of those things. Well, I'm talking about what he said in his thing, all of those things. Well, I'm talking about what he said and his thing, all of those things implied that he was looking for a place that he knew he was going to have to come out of pocket for that I'm not looking for a handout and they was giving ready to give him a handout because how attractive yeah, that's.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy as fuck. I'm a need for us women to pull it together, cause, honey cause they'll get that.

Speaker 2:

And then if he, you know not to say what type of nigga he is, but let's say he is a shit nigga and now we supposed to root for you and you want all your sisters to unite and root for you, for for your demise, because this nigga put you through hell and you ain't gonna. But you ain't gonna tell them that this was a nigga that you didn't know. You didn't get to know. He was fine as fuck, looking for a place, vulnerable, and you took advantage. You ain't going to tell them that part. You're going to tell them the part he did, the typical shit that men do. I ain't going to say I took advantage.

Speaker 1:

I ain't talking about Jews. No, I know what you're saying, but I ain't going to call it that.

Speaker 2:

That is, they're taking advantage.

Speaker 1:

If he's very well capable of and if he chooses to do that, that's not them.

Speaker 2:

Taking advantage of an opportunity when someone is feeling vulnerable.

Speaker 1:

They definitely see this in the moment.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally using terms that women use for women when they put themselves in similar type of positions. You use the fact that she was vulnerable.

Speaker 1:

It don't matter that she agreed to it.

Speaker 2:

You came at a vulnerable time in her life and you took advantage of the opportunity. Sound correct yeah but, but.

Speaker 1:

But, I will call that an opportunist. You're fucking up, right, you took advantage of the opportunity, an opportunist does that they take?

Speaker 2:

advantage of every opportunity that they get. You want to reword it so it don't sound as harsh? I mean you be using look, I just fucking told them about myself.

Speaker 1:

I just fucking told them about myself. I know, I know I am a feminist. Goddammit, I both tell y'all about y'allself and protect us. I'm not going to let you use words that criminalize.

Speaker 2:

You see, you finna criminalize us. We plead the fifth.

Speaker 1:

I ain't pleading the fifth. You lose points in wildin' out for that. Anywho no but about the jail app, shit too, because you had brought that up. Okay, legit.

Speaker 3:

Why the fuck do people and?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, do y'all do this in other?

Speaker 2:

places, but why?

Speaker 1:

the fuck do people in dane county or madison, wisconsin decide they want to wake up on any given fucking day, any given sunday? Because it's sunday and that's a movie, because, whatever, why the fuck people decide they want to wake up on any given sunday and just look at a fucking jail app to see the new people in jail every day? Who the fuck? I'm not gonna ask who does that, because I look on social media. I know, like I personally I know personally.

Speaker 1:

I personally know people who do that, like one time it happened to me. They somebody called me, somebody called me. I ain't gonna say the situation. I'm gonna say the situation, but I ain't gonna say nothing. Somebody called me, somebody called me and they like what happened to xyz? And I'm like the fuck. You mean what happened to xyz? Why would I know? And they was like, because they told me they was with you. I said oh yeah, well, why the fuck would you think that I knew anything about that other shit afterwards? Or or why what makes you think that they're in jail? Because that was the first, because because that was the first motherfucker that popped up on this, why the fuck are you on the jail app at two or three o'clock in the morning trying to look at the new inmates? What the fuck be really going on. Y'all man, I'm just saying y'all be that bored, y'all be that nosy. What the fuck?

Speaker 2:

is the reason comment below, because, because, because, for real well, you went deep on the voice so I wasn't sure if it was a guy saying that to you or Are you?

Speaker 1:

saying that, the lady friend, I don't necessarily go higher pitched voices.

Speaker 2:

I always change my voice. Either that or a foreign voice.

Speaker 1:

Whatever I know, I know I said either that it depends. Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes Because you know when you're playing games that be like now. You got to talk in an accent the whole rest of the until your next turn and shit like that. Yeah, I made a game called tipsy lamb. It was super fun. That was one of the things anyway you pick three.

Speaker 1:

I picked three, since this is two three and three, but we gotta go live at this portion, I know. All right, let's see. I mean, you get still talking, you didn't have to make it obvious that you were going to be looking through that. You could have just did what I did anyway.

Speaker 2:

I what nini leach said I shared what I said in my nini leaps voice anyway, yeah, we definitely had it this far.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna turn the channel watching your ass pick through they probably curious as to what I'm curious, but they're not going the attention span of people we buy okay, oh so, first off, for the people who, when y'all hear this um online, the online listeners like just the not visual but just audio like shout out to the fact that we be having people in the UK, people in Asia, in places that, like our regular fucking listeners, obviously shout out to our US listeners but we know that y'all listen because y'all here, hi but shout out to like just all the reoccurring real spit talk. Shout out to all the new real spit talk, cause you knowcurring real spit talk. Shout out to all the new real spit talk because you know it's real sick talk. Y'all might not agree with what all we say, but it's real spit. I think I'll be picking the nasty cards. I'm terrible. I have to get new cards too. Okay, shh, shh, shh, okay.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go get a new one. Okay, I'm going to go get a new one. Okay, I'm going to go get a new one. Okay, I'm going to go get a new one. Okay, I'm going to go get a new one. Okay, I'm going to go get a new one. Okay, I'm going to go get a new one. Okay, all right, okay, thank you, ready, ready, ready.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Alrighty Hi guys, why are we laughing? All righty hi guys, wow, wow, welcome to the real spit talk live portion. You know it's time for them. Um, grown and sexy reading cards. We're gonna read some questions, we're gonna give our answers and we want y'all to give y'all feedback in the comments comment. You know, give us y'all answers and then if y'all hear some shit based off of some shit we talking about and you want to hear some.

Speaker 2:

You hear some shit based off some shit and you got some shit you want to say say that shit you know, comment, subscribe, share, follow all of that shit and again um, we always have the, the first set of the section or the first half of the session. Um, before we don't do that on live, um, and then the growing sexy session is always the, the part of a segment that we do on live so if you want to see the full um segment of any show, you have to go to the channel, subscribe, watch it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

For sure, buzzsprout. We're literally on everything you can go to the Buzzsprout link. Put in first off any of the audios that you listen to podcasts on. You can go there. So freaking. Apple what's the other one? What's the other thing? What's the other thing? Spotify Hell yeah, it's a bunch of other ones and all of that stuff. That's just podcast. Whatever. It is Actually just Google.

Speaker 2:

There are some of the podcast sessions that were just in audio, so, whether you're able to watch the visual on youtube or not, you can always catch the audio for sure version on pretty much all platforms. All platforms just google, and we'll be posting that link too, just in case people forget, or um, you just want to be lazy, you don't feel? Feel like searching.

Speaker 3:

For sure, for sure, yeah, yeah, I post it once this is done On that note.

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh man, you going first with me you don't bless the table.

Speaker 3:

Oh man.

Speaker 1:

Stop, I do sometimes.

Speaker 2:

You a bartender, you don't bless the table.

Speaker 1:

First off, I only found out about that. It was like, okay, the thing about it is you ain't gotta know too much, aside from drug people to be a bartender.

Speaker 2:

So you do. Actually, I can say some, some stuff after, especially after the night I had last night. No, you do have to. Don't let anybody think, because that'd be the thing. I've been having customers come up and they'd be like, oh you know, I want to bartend. I'd be like, okay, good, because we're looking for bartenders. Do you have bartending experience? No, what the fuck? What are you doing? Whatever, and it's only because they literally think that that is easy. You know I can come back there and do it and they think it's just as simple as them knowing you know what drinks to make. It's like no, it's not that simple, because customer service comes behind any type of job that you do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was going to say, but that's just anything.

Speaker 2:

So, no, no, no. Customer service isn't just being nice to customers, it isn't just having customers like you because sometimes the customer only like you because you're fast and if you're not a fast paced worker working in a fast paced bar then it's not going to matter.

Speaker 2:

So yes, absolutely, I'm watching it every, every, every, and everyone that I've worked there they've asked me do y'all get personal tips? Because they rather tip me out most people for getting them out the way and getting them their drinks fast, and all that then then to have to tip me and have to share with somebody that they feel not putting the same work ethic in.

Speaker 1:

So when, when, when, when, when you're hit with stuff like that, it's hard to just say that it's not.

Speaker 2:

You know that bartending is easy.

Speaker 1:

I didn't say easy. I said that in order to get licensed, the only thing you really know, you need to know. That's what I was talking about. Shit, that test is open book. It's like how can you fail?

Speaker 2:

That's what I mean. I'm sure people do, they have, I'm sure they have. I'm sure people do. But if you do With open butt, you don't need to be Back there, you know. But.

Speaker 1:

But I mean, you know, sometimes that's the case. But sometimes people Just like With female bartenders, and let's say it's only One female, let's say it's only One female Versus two men Back there and the guy literally Just wants to Fucking tip you Because you're you and like I need this to go to you, trying to be special and shit, no, it's gonna get.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you'll have you'll have guys that only want you to serve. Yeah, yeah, and it's like, as long as you're not tripping about how long you gotta wait, yeah, we don't mind letting you wait for her to serve you, you know, just don't don't let that reflect off the tip, because it took you a minute. You made that choice. You could have been had your drink over here. I've had guys purposely try not to make eye contact with me, I'm like well, I ain't for the force to make your drink.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to make your drink, no way. Go ahead, let her get that, you know.

Speaker 1:

Be like that, be like that.

Speaker 2:

But let's get to the card game you want. But uh, let's get to the card card game.

Speaker 1:

Uh, you want to do? Go for it, I go for it. I was gonna say that I mean it's the only real way, ah, okay damn, we'll do best.

Speaker 2:

Two out of three.

Speaker 3:

Now you said best two out of three. Everybody know you don't do rocks and paper.

Speaker 1:

That's a coin toss we don't have a coin. We don't have a coin. Who going first?

Speaker 2:

you. I bet that's why I started looking at my cards.

Speaker 1:

Well, I was going to do it, but then you was talking shit, so do what you want.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

You get somebody else to do it. Okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

So this is I don't know which one I want to do first.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Can you pass me the game?

Speaker 2:

All right, danny boy. Okay. So here's the first question. You and Bae decide to role play. As he or she walks in, they're wearing a goofy costume from the Disney Channel. They come in as goofy from the Disney Channel. What do you do who? She better not come out Disney Channel. They come in as goofy from a Disney Channel. What do you do? She better not come out doing a laugh, that's what he did.

Speaker 2:

That was his laugh. It was his laugh. I said she better not come out doing his laugh Like girl. You better keep that to yourself.

Speaker 1:

I am in character, I like to cosplay.

Speaker 2:

You better inhale some helium and do that laugh. You better sound like helium and do that laugh. You better sound like one of them Chippets.

Speaker 1:

That's what I said, you better sound like one of them Chippets I'm talking about coming from a guy's perspective, it's different if a guy come in Doing a laugh to you.

Speaker 2:

But if a girl come in and she do that laugh, what?

Speaker 3:

I can't even do it no more right now. Look what you did All right.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so here are the options. I'm going to read the question again, then read the options. So you and Bae decide to role play, he or she walks in as Goofy from the Disney Channel. What do you do? A allow Goofy to rock your world. B suggest another character. C cancel sex for the day. Like I said, as long as she don't come out doing, I'm gonna have to work with the female version of goofy youy. You know, and that's the thing you know, with Goofy, they say you've never seen the mom, his mom. I don't know if they might. That'd be crazy. I don't know if there is a story, a backstory behind Goofy not having his mom, his girl, his wife around, but either she died or she ran out on the kid. That's all we know. That's what we can say most definitely you know what was.

Speaker 1:

You know what was crazy is the fact that it wasn't until adult years that you found out that goofy was a cow and not a dog. Yes, yes, goofy is a dog no, like google that shit, google it. They say that goofy not a dog.

Speaker 2:

Google it, that Google that shit, google it.

Speaker 1:

They say that Goofy, not a dog, google it.

Speaker 2:

That's the conspiracy. Google said that, disney didn't say that.

Speaker 3:

There's nothing on Goofy that says cow Nothing.

Speaker 2:

The ears don't say cow. The nose don't say cow. The big ass, gap teeth, butt teeth don't say cow. Nothing says cow. Even the offspring Max don't say cow, nothing says cow. Even the little offspring max don't say cow. Shout out to power line though everybody.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were going to say power line but yeah, like I said, I'll choose a as long as. As long as she don't come out doing the laugh and all of that, I'll choose a, otherwise it'll be b. Suggest another character, like rock said from the goofy movie or something well, the ai overview did say he was a dog.

Speaker 1:

Fuck, I look at you. Look, you see you see the ai overview. Y'all depending on that mom see look at him and it agreed with him and he didn't even know before he tried to curse them out.

Speaker 3:

All right, Anyway, so what's your?

Speaker 1:

choice. It's A for me, honey. All right, I'm going to go ahead and let you rock my motherfucking world. I shed. Who did that for us? I shed in my Nene Leakes voice.

Speaker 2:

Where's your ego?

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, okay, Okay, okay, okay, in my nini league's voice, where's your? Uh, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. So you have grown to despise the person you're sleeping with, but their sex is still the best you ever fucking had. Does it say fucking no? But, still, I'm emphasizing the statement or the question Would you be able to continue to have sex? So again, you've grown to despise. First off, despise is a strong, like it said despise.

Speaker 1:

I just not like go get along yeah, yeah, yeah it said, you've grown to despise the person you're sleeping with, but their sex is still the best sex ever. Would you be able to continue the sex? A, yes, b, no, it depends. Give us your answers. Mine is going to be a big fat. B no. If I've grown to despite now, okay, I'm the type that I could still I could still juice have sex when I'm upset. It definitely depends on what I am upset about and it wouldn't necessarily be me initiating. But I could still have sex while being upset, absolutely, if I like it. But most women, you know, like most women can't even do that. That's when they're upset.

Speaker 1:

So it depends on the fucking emotion. So so if I despise you, I no longer want you, I don't even. I look at you in disgust no, I don't want you to touch me? Absolutely fucking not. No, so it's a, it's a beat for me. So a it depends, b no, I mean me. So A it depends, b no, I mean. A, yes, b no, c it depends.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go with B. I was going to joke and do C, but that was like my younger years and I feel like it's a toxic.

Speaker 3:

It's definitely toxic. It's toxic behavior.

Speaker 2:

It definitely is you know, and as you get older, that shit is just exhausting, it's draining, and then it's like what's the point? So, yeah, I mean, if it's to the point, if it's to the point that I despise you. You know, I'm not. I can be easily agitated, but I'm not. I don't hold grudges, you know, and you have to do a lot for me to get to the point where I despise your ass and if I allow myself to cross that threshold of feeling like I despise someone, it's definitely worth it, you know yeah um, so yeah, I have to go pee yeah, so basically, if you wondered if I hate you, fuck you and I do uh, okay, okay, uh, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

You and your spouse Now we're saying spouse, so I want nobody to twist it up. Don't change the narrative to boyfriend it's spouse. Pretend you got one. If you don't, you and your spouse fall. Following financially hard times, someone offers you a ten thousand dollar a month allowance to go on dates with your spouse at least once a week. Nothing physical, just for companionship. Do you accept the offer? Absolutely?

Speaker 1:

what the fuck are the options? Absolutely, I said yes or no and I said absolutely it's an air b, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Air b, yes or no? Absolutely absolutely. Take one for the team. Damn it's a. It depends for me what so hold on hold on somebody, so somebody can it's okay for somebody to pay over a thousand dollars for a picture or a celebrity crush. But it's okay for somebody to pay over a thousand dollars for a picture?

Speaker 3:

or a celebrity crush.

Speaker 2:

But it's not okay for you to let your spouse go on a dinner date with somebody. Nothing physical, not even a hug, nothing physical for ten thousand dollars a date ten thousand dollars a month.

Speaker 1:

I never said the other one was okay, I just was playing devil's advocate with with the questionnaire of it. Um Cuz, you know, personally I ain't paying on the fuck about nobody you. You get a 250 threshold and I feel like 250 for a picture is Expensive.

Speaker 3:

You got a 250 threshold after that.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking at your ass like you was charging more than 11. 11 before the album.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no that sounds stupid as hell. So anyway, so so you're not gonna catch me doing it shout out to whoever want to pay for you know, because here's I am a strong believer in you know whatever makes you happy. You know whatever, but it's going to be. It depends for me.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I'm sad that that's not an answer, because I can't give a straight yes or no. If it's like the old crusty person that I know my person will fall in love with, then OK. But like women, women are going to fall for a person before the sex you know, especially if you're just having that deep, intimate blah, blah, blah the sex you know, especially if you're just having that deep, intimate blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

That's why some men offer that, but but right right, because there's alternative or arterial motives behind this shit. So that's why I'm like it fucking depends. You know, I definitely have always said I would rather I would not. The best case scenario is I'm with someone I love and we financially stable. Even if we're not the richest, we're financially stable. However, I would definitely be with someone that I had to struggle with financially versus being with someone who took care of me financially and just tried to control what I was unhappy with.

Speaker 3:

So I don't know. It's a depends.

Speaker 2:

Well, this one says that you're financially yeah Needing In hard time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I don't know, it's a depends. Well, this one says that you're financially, yeah, needing In hard times, yeah, but, like I said, I'm not struggling With somebody that I love, yeah, but Struggle motherfucker Means you ain't going Out on dates with bitches. That's probably Trying to make you in love. Oh, no, no, I don't know. I don't know, it depends. It depends If it's an old, crusty person. Person I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna have to consider, reconsider.

Speaker 2:

Uh, how, how hard you willing to go for this, uh, this relationship.

Speaker 1:

So so you mean if it was somebody, if it was a man if it was a man, even if the case he said we're not going to do this, but but your woman ended up fucking falling in love with him and then you leave, then she leave you, and then you're not getting $10,000, and you alone.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So a woman also said well, she didn't say it, it was a guy, but I agree. But she said it to me because she agreed. And he said we choose love. We choose who we fall in love with. We do People use the excuse you don't choose who we fall in love with. We do People use the excuse you don't choose who you fall in love with as an excuse to why they allow themselves to fall for that person. You sometimes might say we don't choose it because it was unexpected. However, again, we still choose certain things because if you fell in love with this dude, then you wasn't in love with me when it happened. You don't fall out of love with somebody as you're falling in love with somebody. You fall out of love with somebody and then you end up falling in love with somebody else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, no, no. I definitely will agree with the. You don't fall in out of love because you're falling in love. I. I agree with that statement to the fullest. But I also am agreeance in agreeance that technically and it's it's, it's for me not a common thing, it's not a common thing, but I do understand that people can have feelings for more than one person oh, absolutely, you know so, so, just because, just because you're falling somebody, yeah, just because you're falling for someone else doesn't mean that you love this person any less.

Speaker 1:

But and I don't I don't agree with the fact that most, in most cases, you choose you. You definitely choose who the fuck you're gonna be with and all that other shit, but in some cases, you do not choose who you fall for. Feelings develop based off of an array of fucking things and and so you do not always choose who you love, and I've definitely been in a situation where I like gained feelings for somebody and I I didn't fully understand how that even fucking happened, because I'm a hard person to even fucking get to know, let alone be vulnerable and give my feelings to right, but it's because of that, that when you, when it does happen, it becomes a choice, you recognize it when it starts happening, because it's not typically you.

Speaker 2:

So that that's that's the point. I don't. That's why I was saying I don't mean that, that you don't, that you don't help who, who, who the person, who it becomes, but then there becomes that, that choice. I feel myself falling in love with her. Now I have a choice to pursue and allow myself to fall in love with her or to fall back, because I shouldn't be doing.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's what I mean that's and even if it's not, I shouldn't, because you could be completely single and that's what we're talking about, spouse. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, but I guess the choice is whether or not you're going to pursue and or do something about it, but the falling part was outside of your choice. A person can make you fall, for them, that's that's how you know.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people end up being like why is he with her? Why is she with him? They don't see that connection. But it's because it's more than just the fucking physical on the outside at some. Somehow, that person may make up the excuses. Unless.

Speaker 2:

Unless it was Because he must be spending money on her.

Speaker 1:

It could and it could be that, but it might not be A lot of cases.

Speaker 3:

It is A lot of fucking cases are that way.

Speaker 2:

A lot of the things A lot of shit is simply because A lot of people tolerate relationships. Yeah, simply because Beneficial. It's beneficial Financially beneficial, because she mothers say fuck all the other stuff that you're doing, I'm not tolerating it, but they'll tolerate all of that shit if there's a financial.

Speaker 1:

Or if they just legit crazy in love.

Speaker 2:

And there are fucking females that legit, just be crazy in love with somebody, yeah, but then you have to get to that I'm talking about, if that was the case at the beginning, that it was a financial yeah, yeah, but there's so many things tolerate whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, almost motion whatever comes with it, whatever comes with it.

Speaker 2:

Most we watch, you know, miami like did he piss on her and she loved it you said, I said we let. Oh, I said, we watch her say oh, she said that. Huh, yeah, she said she liked it, she loved Golden Showers or whatever. No, I had no idea, yeah. And they tried to retract that, when all that stuff started coming out.

Speaker 1:

But we watched her.

Speaker 2:

But we all know, know that it was because. But you're going porn sites and it's damn categories for stuff like that, for Golden Shirt.

Speaker 1:

That is never in the categories I'm looking at.

Speaker 2:

It's not one that I'm looking at, but the same. I don't look at what they want to do sexually as weird, because there's categories for that and people pay and subscribe to watch people do just that. So if that's what y'all want to do, that's how y'all get down. Right, that's just that. So if that's what y'all want to do, that's how y'all get down, right, that's that's y'all, whatever. What I'm not gonna do is act like oh man, that's just so weird. No, because some of y'all watch that same shit, and you know she.

Speaker 3:

You know that that type of thing but yeah, um, back to the card.

Speaker 2:

So no, okay, you said it depends what oh, the the question.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, it's a depends, I don't I. I know they want to answer, but I can't just give a yes or no. It depends on the situation if it's. If it's somebody that I wasn't worried about, I don't give a fuck. If you grow emotionally attached to an old lady, I don't think you really gonna leave me. She calls it my deathbed.

Speaker 2:

You'd be surprised. What my girl said. No, no, because, because, if that's the case, he said, don't call me until you lose every motherfucking tooth in your mouth. He said because her gums make me listen.

Speaker 1:

These gums make me listen. That's, that's, that's fine I would rather, I would rather it be just a fucking physical her gums make me come than an emotional thing, because yeah, you know, because once you lose someone emotionally but that's what I'm saying, like that's the whole point of the card is that there's going to be an emotional connection and they let their the point of the card isn't for the person who's paying. They want somebody who's who the fuck is paying for companionship.

Speaker 2:

There's plenty of girls out here, plenty of sugar babies out here, that are doing it just for the companionship no, you're not going up the wall.

Speaker 1:

Need some kitty cat, unless they just didn't need a sugar daddy if you need some sugar if you need some sugar, you need a sugar daddy.

Speaker 3:

No, not.

Speaker 2:

The point of being and having a sugar daddy is that you don't have to give up no sugar. That's what makes him a sugar daddy.

Speaker 1:

No, I've never thought of it that way. I've never had a sugar daddy, but I never thought of it that way. If that's the case, then that's what a sugar daddy is the point of a sugar daddy?

Speaker 2:

or a sugar mama, is that the main thing is you don't have to give them no sugar. That's crazy. She's just a kruger. But if she, if she's, if you don't have to give her no sugar and she's paying you an allowance for your companionship, that's a definite. That's the definition of a sugar mommy, or definition of a sugar daddy I gotta look this up.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead, they're not getting paid. Go ahead, that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

You're not getting paid. What do you mean? I mean or they're not. What do?

Speaker 1:

you mean you're not getting paid. What do you mean? I mean or they're not getting. I mean you know You're getting an allowance, the person not getting no sugar it be it.

Speaker 2:

Be, yeah, I mean it be people trying to bend the game. Of course, some of them. Of course some of them going to want to have sex, but half of them can't even get it up, which is why they're Of a young, beautiful woman that they can send in her energy.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know if I'm asking Google the right question. You're not.

Speaker 2:

You're probably not, no, look.

Speaker 1:

I said do sugar daddies get sugar? That was the question. I didn't want to say sex.

Speaker 2:

Why didn't you just say what's the definition of a sugar daddy?

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay okay In sugar dating a sugar daddy or a younger woman in exchange for companionship, intimacy or other social benefits. But is that intimacy?

Speaker 2:

Because you just said do they get sugar? Yes, some women feel like they have to, or they owe you some, and some sugar daddies are going to try to get it. But the definition, the original term for sugar daddies is that there is an older man and that's paying for your time. They're paying for you to be on their arm, they're paying for you and they give you an allowance.

Speaker 1:

So the definition, oxford's language definition, says rich older. Okay, okay, fine, look okay, because all these terminologies.

Speaker 2:

They change throughout the years and have completely different meanings, and all that Whatever, not really. It ain't changed too much. It ain't changed too much If you actually read and compare it to the Hebrew.

Speaker 1:

They removed the book of Enoch. But it's out there successfully, yeah, but they removed it so that was a change.

Speaker 2:

I said not as many as you think, because one, because it's accessible, accessible. How does that even compare to this? Well?

Speaker 1:

you said what look? Look here, okay, a well-to-do, usually older man who supports or spends lavishly on a mistress, girlfriend or boyfriend, um a generous benefactor of a cause or undertaking. That was the A sponsor, the Webster, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I mean it doesn't deny sexual favors.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying who's denying that? All I'm saying is what the original term for a sugar daddy is and you're trying to prove. Is it possible or is there anything? Or is there you trying to prove cases where sugar daddy's is getting pussy out these sugar babies?

Speaker 1:

and I could have told you that I'm just. I was trying to see if that was the people in the comments. Give your definition of what y'all thought, not what you thought sugar daddy was whatever the term that you known it to be, if you think that the term is you giving up some sugar because it's sugar babies.

Speaker 2:

That's giving up sugar, because they think that's a part of having a sugar baby.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I guess the question is y'all's definition of a sugar daddy or a sugar mama. Did it or did it not include sex? That's the question that is.

Speaker 2:

Is that not phrased correctly?

Speaker 1:

anyway. Okay, your new boo tells you to strip naked and ask no questions. He or she lays you down and proceeds to handcuff you. Do you play along? A yes, I'm open-minded. B no, that's a stretch. C it depends. My answer is going to be between a and c yes, I'm open-minded or c, it depends the it depends, it's. It definitely is more of a, c, b, b is no, that's, that's a stretch okay. Or or actually says no, that's sketch, sketchy and was this with?

Speaker 2:

did it say with girlfriend, spouse, or it's your new boo? Oh, new boo, your new boo. I'm not see why I can be sketchy your new boo yeah, um, for me I'm gonna really go with c.

Speaker 1:

It depends, because it say new boo, but new boo can there's? There's no time frame on that. So I say new boo. I could have been casually dating you and you weren't my boo, you were just someone I was casually dating. You know, in the end you're my new boo because now we've made it official, but that doesn't mean that we didn't have sex beforehand.

Speaker 2:

You're just saying your new boo is usually the the person you're booed up with right and having sex with. So regardless of you don't become your new boo when y'all decide to make it official. He becomes your new boo when that's the person you've been booed up with having interest in.

Speaker 1:

But booed up to me implies Sex.

Speaker 2:

What, no, no, booed up is not sex course it isn't right, but I'm saying that's the point. If this is your new boo, no one don't know.

Speaker 1:

Women niggas have new booze, all the time they don't call them. Or niggas have new sex partners, all the okay. People have new sex partners. All the time they don't call them booze. And I say niggas because niggas usually are we being technical of the word boo, or we know?

Speaker 2:

are we talking about the terminology of what it means to be the new boo? Both, because no one really even used that word, but when men don't even really, I said, but women. Thank you for proving my point okay, what's your point? That was my point. I said because no one really uses that word. But women, men, don't really use the word boo. So if we're talking, and if we're talking about your new boo, we're talking in terminology and I'm telling you that just because somebody fucks them.

Speaker 1:

What about all the hoes? So all the hoes out there, there's just fucking people. That no one implied.

Speaker 2:

No one implied that, whoever you, if you just implied them that I said if you're fucking them, I didn't say if you fucked, if it's someone that you had sex with you talking about so that's why I said, if you, casually you were having a whole scenario that completely changes the benefit.

Speaker 2:

I said but I'm saying this is somebody that I said. If you're having sex with them and booed up with them, they're the new boo. It doesn't matter if y'all made it an official relationship, so I'm not talking. I didn't say someone that you just had sex with, so I'm not talking about prostitutes of course, because prostitutes make money.

Speaker 1:

Some people are just whores, make money too, okay, hoe hoes make money?

Speaker 2:

do they? A hoe is a hoe. I've never thought. I've never thought a hoe of making money now hoes don't have to make money. Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Hoes may or may not make money but a hoe is a hoe and a prostitute, or or but but a pimp got hoes.

Speaker 2:

He don't say I got prostitutes, he said I got hoes that's true, he don't even say I got bitches. He he said I got hoes. Sometimes they say bitches, he say my bitches.

Speaker 1:

Either way, but I'm just saying, I meant like a hoe.

Speaker 2:

I meant a hoe, if he tell another man, or you know what I mean. He don't say, man, I got plenty of bitches on my arm. He don't say, man, I got plenty of hoes on my team.

Speaker 1:

I got you know I've seen a lot of movies, oh no, and in none of the movies he refers to his hoes as his bitches.

Speaker 1:

When women are calling other women hoes, his hoes and his bottom bitch so they won't be his bitches because he got one of those so if we fucking gonna be technical like that, it's a lot of American words that don't mean what the fuck as I said, the terminology changes over the years, so you know what the fuck, what I was saying when I said why we talking about boo, your new boo, that's why that's but that's why we're not dwelling on the word boo and we're saying this is the new person that you're dating right.

Speaker 1:

You dwelled on boo. I said you did you know you legit?

Speaker 1:

because I said I thought of a new boo as in now we're dating because the word boo and not the the, but I was just saying what I thought of it, because just because people fucking don't mean that y'all booed up anyway, it's gonna be a c for me, because if we didn't get to the point where I'm talking to you about it, then I'm cool with doing it. But if I haven't talked to the point where I'm talking to you about it, then I'm cool with doing it. But if I haven't talked to you about it and you randomly just trying to like do that now you sketchy Only because why are you trying to do some shit that we ain't even talked about? That's my thing. Why are you trying to do some shit that we ain't talked about? And it's a no. Some people like to be spontaneous.

Speaker 1:

No fuck that some people like to be spontaneous. No, fuck that you can't certain shit, certain shit you just can't do without knowing a person's mentality and and how they're going to react to some shit like that. You know, like, if I want like the the question about the blow-up doll in the closet, I'm turning clean the fuck around. Do I know people got blow-up doll the out, the robot dolls and shit like that that you know came out, you're turning around, yeah. I'm talking about the fucking thing, what if he's practicing?

Speaker 2:

abstinence from you.

Speaker 1:

Know sex in the pussy drawer have a pocket pussy that you can put in your drawer.

Speaker 2:

So he can't have the doll in his closet Nah, that's weird, you got a whole person. But he can have the pocket pussy in his drawer.

Speaker 1:

Because a pocket pussy is literally you dragging off with not with your hand, but it's not, it's into something else, you having a whole ass, fucking robotic, fucking female.

Speaker 2:

She's robotic, she'd be able to ride some dick.

Speaker 1:

They had. They had the legit fucking, like it wasn't just a blow up.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I don't want to blow up the ass the ones. The Dominican was that. Look exactly real. But they don't activate by themselves. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Playstation don't activate by itself, but when it do Actually.

Speaker 2:

It's voice activated, so you don't always have to press a button. You can just.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so if the robot voice activated, it gets voice activated it's a wrap. Anyway, the point is okay. So if the robot voice activated, voice activated is a wrap anyway, the point is imagine a voice activated chick even if I went to a female crib and it wasn't like we was just friends and the bitch had a robotic nigga in the closet with his dick out.

Speaker 1:

I'm turning around because, shorty, what the fuck is you on and why you got this shit in the coat closet and shit, what the fuck like be a normal person and hide your fucking um porn and she can hide that man nowhere but under the bed and in the closet and buster came home

Speaker 2:

buster came home.

Speaker 1:

She gonna have to hide him under the bed or in the closet unless she throwing him out the window. But Buster can't run, your robot can't run, it's just sitting there. Sitting there like this I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

If Buster came home. Oh well, if Buster came home and she had a man whether it's that mannequin or a real man she gonna have to put him under the bed or in the closet. Trapped in a closet, okay what's your answer? Yo yo new boo lays down or you.

Speaker 1:

You, your new boo strips tells you to strip naked, no questions asked. Next she proceeds to handcuffed you. I have some questions.

Speaker 2:

Only because, only because one is the new boo and I just seen too many videos and stories of guys being set up being robbed.

Speaker 1:

Does it matter if you're on her back? I?

Speaker 2:

used to work front desk at a hotel and a nigga got robbed Because you know what I mean. Going to your new boo room, you know what I mean and however, she got you vulnerable, but it's usually getting you out of all your clothes so that when they run, you can't just run up after them.

Speaker 2:

So, her just randomly telling me to strip and then start handcuffing me. I have some questions, hold on. What if you guys had a conversation Before you clamp that? I'm looking around the room. I'm making sure that the door is locked.

Speaker 1:

But that doesn't matter, because once you're handcuffed, she can just open the door, regardless of you looking around the room. You can look around the room, that's why you have questions.

Speaker 3:

I'm not talking about room.

Speaker 2:

You can look around questions, but still why the questions are questions once?

Speaker 1:

you handcuffed, it ain't shit. But that's why I said what if you had prior conversation with your new boo? Because, again in my mind, if we had, prior conversation.

Speaker 2:

Then we had to talk about the kinky shit that we like and I said some shit like hey, I like handcuffs. And then she randomly do it yes, it's gonna be a turn on. It's like, oh, there said no I said it depends. And I said because it'd be a no, if that's my new you know, I mean my new goal. And she just randomly say take off your clothes and then start trying to handcuff me like hold on, what is you doing?

Speaker 3:

you doing.

Speaker 2:

Boy, I had my phone on. Now I won't want no speed dial, just in case I had to be in my hand while my hand in hand cuffs, and be like this In case I got to send it. What's that? Once you cuff it, the best way to get the police to come is not to sit on the phone and talk to them or try to describe it.

Speaker 1:

Pick up the phone, call, call them and hang the fuck up and they don't come fyi as a safety notice. If you don't know, most phones nowadays, if you press the power button on the side, like really fast, three to five times, it'll automatically send an emergency signal. Like it'll it'll record, it'll it'll, it'll take snapshots of your location. Like it'll send your location apple, iphone shit no android, like I had an android and I just I did it, and I did it without the intent, without knowing what it did so.

Speaker 2:

It didn't ask you, or do you allow them to take these emergency pictures?

Speaker 1:

no, no, yeah, it took. It took like the the last.

Speaker 1:

It took like one or two snaps take no censure it's, it takes it takes your current location and it sends it to, I think, like maybe the top people that you communicate with or whatever. So it may or may not work, because if it's a house number that you communicate with, then what the fuck is it gonna really work? You can send a text message to a house phone, but it's weird and you can't really. It's not like it's not gonna stay there. But yeah, no, I learned that accidentally trying to open my phone, but then it like closed and then I did it again and then it fucking like did an emergency thing. Um, but yeah, yeah, that that's a thing, okay last time. Yeah, apparently it is. It. Did you just do it or something? What? Oh, I thought you just did it or something that's been funny, um, but no, uh, is it on me?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I just read. That was my question, okay.

Speaker 2:

What is most likely to ruin your mood? Okay, so what is most likely to ruin your mood? Is it A him or her stopping to answer their phone? So I'm assuming they're talking about sex, y'all in the middle of having sex. What will most likely ruin your mood? Them answering or stopping to answer the phone? You doing all the work. Oh my God, I'm like black C. You attempt to penetrate the anus. D him or her doing a lot of talking, for example. You like it? What's my name? You love me? What's for dinner? Is it mine?

Speaker 1:

If you ask me what's for dinner in the middle of the night, I'm like what's for dinner? It's like Is that a real thing?

Speaker 2:

He's going to go in there and fix them tacos.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say baby boy, baby boy, how you watch your tacos.

Speaker 3:

You're going to get up in there and make them tacos.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what's your answer?

Speaker 2:

Oh man, okay, so what is most likely to? I mean, I feel like this is for chick, but I would have to say C would completely Okay.

Speaker 1:

I mean well, no, Some people might do that because they, you know, because of previous partners.

Speaker 2:

Because they dealt with other partners. And then they're like oh, he might not say it, but he wouldn't want it, let me try it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I've talked to females where they're like nah, like cause, okay, I didn't heard scenarios where the female was talking about some crazy shit that had to do with men, anals or whatever, and I'm just like nah, y'all tripping. They be like nah, it's really cool, or this isn't any other, you never know. I mean well, like, I'm just saying nah, y'all tripping they be like, nah, it's really cool, or this isn't any other, you never know.

Speaker 1:

I mean well, like, I'm just saying like it's not that bad, like I'm not gonna be like what and they be like nah, it's cool, you know not, they didn't necessarily say it until y'all break up.

Speaker 2:

And then they all on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

Now you sitting there with the Shaq UAS face. Kevin Hart's there Now, you sitting there and with Shawnee now with. Shawnee sitting there and being like now you sitting there with the UAS face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I mean. The moment they break up or he give you a nerve, make you mad, you gonna post, that's how you like it and that's what you been doing and you can't believe you even did all that shit. But then you don't tell nobody. Y'all back together, y'all back to doing that.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you did it once, of course you're going to do it before. It don't matter if it's to him or to the next motherfucker, if you did that then no, that wasn't the point.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, you're right, you was the lie to the internet. You blast them.

Speaker 1:

but what you don't say, is that your ass still going? You're back with them. Well, what? That wasn't the lie, it's just the. You're not. Yeah, because when they, because when they blast them.

Speaker 2:

It's the. We're not together, no more, yeah. And then they try to make it seem like it was disgusting to them and they only did it. Do they do that, please, you? You ain't seen them post not not I'm, almost, I'm definitely.

Speaker 1:

I've definitely seen the post where or the you did. You know you weren't saying that when this and that, but not the making it seem like they didn't like it and they only did it because blah, blah, blah, making it seem like you weren't saying that shit with my whatever insert comment here but yeah, it definitely had to be that okay, what were the options?

Speaker 2:

but I will say that that D also ruins the mood. What was D?

Speaker 1:

doing a lot of talking. Yeah, it's okay to talk sometimes, that's why I say it's okay to talk sometimes, does it, don't it?

Speaker 2:

depend on what they say. That's why I say it's okay to talk sometime, but you can only say so many words, you know. I mean before it starts to get weird. What's for dinner?

Speaker 1:

okay, that that. That one just was not the question.

Speaker 2:

All the other niggas you just dating and dating and y'all not in a relationship and he fucking you and he this my pussy. I know women don't like that shit, unless she voluntarily says this your pussy. But if she don't voluntarily say it, a lot of times it weirds her out, not saying she gonna stop or she might just stay quiet. But a lot of them don't answer it. If you, if you're just when you, if you say certain things like that, it don't fit the scenario.

Speaker 1:

It was this one social media lady I don't know her name, but I like her right and she was like if we walk, walk, walk in the bed and you this and you that and I fuck around and I say I love you.

Speaker 1:

Don't take it seriously. She said we is in the bedroom. You might be fucking it up, like that's what it is there. Don't take. Basically. It's like what happens in vegas stays in vegas. She said don't take that shit from this room. So whatever the fuck happens here, keep that here. So if I tell you I love you while you got my legs bent behind my motherfucking head, it was just the euphoria of it. I don't really fucking love you. So when you leave here and I don't say that shit to you.

Speaker 1:

No more for facts, like just knew that you tore that shit up, don't think nothing more about I will. I don't know. So it was, let me see. Let me see what was it? Stopping to answer phone, doing all the work, attempt to penetrate, doing a lot of talking.

Speaker 2:

You know, a friend I was saying like a friend of mine is one of my friends, shout out to black. He live in Ohio, but we had, we had these conversations and one of the things that bothers him the most, it'll bother me too, but not the most as far as the card is asking but doing all the work Not that you can't you know what I mean, because you can fuck it up but consistently doing all the work, like it'll definitely throw your ass off.

Speaker 2:

But I say that because sometimes he'll call and we'll talk about that. Ain't got me busting up, talking about my way to just be doing nothing, laying on her back.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but what if she switched positions? It ain't just laying on her back. He's still doing all the work If she switched positions and, at some point in time, ain't no hips?

Speaker 2:

rolling, ain't no ass thrusting back none of that then she's doing all the work.

Speaker 1:

But if you're getting it doggy style and she's throwing it back, I mean it's 50-50.

Speaker 2:

That's what I said I said if she's not hip thrusting, rolling or throwing it back, she'd be laying on her back. And even though he's on top of her, she's still moving. She's just not there with her legs open, taking it. She, you know, winding and grinding on him.

Speaker 3:

It's like that type of thing I guess Okay.

Speaker 1:

So for me I guess the answer B seems more of a guy answer than a girl answer, because what girl is doing all the work, unless the man is disabled?

Speaker 2:

Or tired from working, ride some dick until he falls asleep.

Speaker 1:

You get off and then you get up, I mean, but that's a but if that's just a one-off, like it's just this one night, like you can't, I don't know Sometimes, but I'm just this one night like you can't, I don't know sometimes, but I'm saying like, if that's just, uh, this only happy ever and so often, and that's. I don't feel like that's you, like I feel like that's more of a guy thing, because guys are the ones that are putting in the majority of the moving around and shit. So I don't, I feel like if a woman.

Speaker 2:

They have a problem right all the work.

Speaker 1:

That's why I say, I feel like that's not really a woman question, because if ever I gotta fucking do all the work, you got me fucked up in the first place because my legs hurt my legs, but I'm gonna have to say my answer. I don't know, See, like I feel like A is going to be the most likely him stopping to answer the phone or whatever, but sometimes it just be like answer the phone just because I want to see how your face is and how well you can keep the conversation going, so it be the stopping part.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because this is stopping Right to answer the phone, so I guess. So it'd be the stopping part. Yeah, because this ad's stopping. Don't stop Right To answer the phone, you ain't got to stop to answer the phone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, and it depends, I guess, on what type of conversation the phone calls.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because if his mom's calling and I got to answer it. We not going to be fucking to my mom.

Speaker 3:

Hey, okay, what game, what type of games you want to?

Speaker 2:

play. I'm not gonna answer the phone. Be on the phone, my mom, and fucking you like it's weird. You gotta take a time out.

Speaker 1:

We gotta talk because you obviously got some traumas that that got you liking this shit well, I don't, I don't think that's more so the person who's continuously doing it, that'd be more of a. You just can't handle that shit, or whatever, while like mentally I don't want to hear, but I don't think that says anything about them, because they don't really give a fuck who you're on the phone with. It's just the fact that you're trying to stop me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm talking about the stopping part. Okay, one time she should be. Okay. I'm stopping when answering the phone. Is it somebody like your mom? Yeah, anybody else. You can keep going while you answer the phone is if it's somebody like your mom, anybody else you can keep going while you answer the phone.

Speaker 1:

If that's the case, If you're going to answer, I'm like yeah, because unless you call back-to-back, where I know it's an emergency, you shouldn't be picking up in the first place?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which is the reason why, of course, there's obviously going to be something a reason for you to have to answer it.

Speaker 1:

But I'm gonna have to say it's gonna be that if, if nothing else like you stopping to answer the phone, because I mean, if it's if you stopping because it's you getting blown up by the same person, then obviously I'm gonna assume it's an emergency and I won't be mad but any other reason after that. Yeah, because how fucking dare you? You got me fucked up and now you're not gonna finish.

Speaker 2:

Go run one now, stupid ass probably what you're gonna do go to the bathroom, rub it on out.

Speaker 1:

You think I give a fuck, I'm gonna go and you're gonna hear no, that ain't the remix.

Speaker 2:

That's the battery guy. No that's not the battery guy, I'm talking about that was my sound effect For the battery guy the battery guy really just the pressure is not the same.

Speaker 1:

Okay, first off, I wasn't speaking.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't speaking the same thing.

Speaker 1:

When I said zzz.

Speaker 2:

I was just making an example of any type of mechanical device dying out, running out of batteries well, rosie, don't do it like that, I'm just saying alright last question.

Speaker 1:

She don't do me like that though the pressure is not as intense, and then it just she'll just stop, she'll just fucking stop. She'll just be like and we're done and seen, and you'd be like, but it wasn't even. She'd be like and seen she said I said. I said what the fuck? It's like a motherfucker. It it's like the disappearing ass.

Speaker 2:

He's like I'm going to sit your hot ass down.

Speaker 1:

We done here we not done. You just clearly Looking for batteries, you clearly, and then no, that's the thing about road, it ain't no batteries.

Speaker 2:

Oh right, you just got to recharge that motherfucker, and then it take time Anyway.

Speaker 1:

So Anyway.

Speaker 2:

so That'd be dangerous if they made it a double way. You can either charge it or you can put batteries in and you take it on the go.

Speaker 3:

That would be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I'm going to tell you I keep finding that airport bathroom and shit.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure some still do. Yeah, I'm sure they do, because they all charge up. It lasts, the charge lasts, the charge is pretty decent. The charge is pretty decent. Anyway, decent, I'm trying to pretty anyway. Um, you go, I I would say that now that people know a lot about me, but in reality you look at my facebook page you know it ain't necessarily about me, but the shit that I share be pretty much out there anyway. Um, okay, so you go to your new booze room for Netflix and chill, netflix and chill, okay, and you see whips and chains and handcuffs and patent leather body suits hanging on the wall. What you doing, a Was it.

Speaker 1:

Ignoring it B. This one was recent, was it? I don't know? Ignoring it B Making excuses to leave. C Asking your new boo about their decor. B Getting turned on. It's always the new boo for me. Why is it always?

Speaker 2:

the new boo. It's always the new boo for me.

Speaker 1:

They always say your new boo, the new boo.

Speaker 2:

it's always the weirdest shit for me. They always say your new boo, like the new boo, be doing too much because you are biting me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, go ahead yeah, um, I'm definitely. It's something you see for me. I'm asking about their new decor. Now, don't get me wrong, because I'm into some kinks or whatever. The patent leather bodysuit is a bit much for me. Why they said that? Whoops and chains and handcuffs. I don't like that.

Speaker 3:

Thank you yeah.

Speaker 1:

He said? What did he say? Oh yeah, Anyway, the patent leather bodysuit is a bit much, that's a bit much for me, but otherwise I'm just I'm asking questions because I'm definitely not fucking ignoring it. Uh-oh, I'm definitely not ignoring it, um so we're not gonna do that. I'm not, I'm definitely not I'm definitely not, yeah, I'm definitely not gonna ignore it, but I'm not going to make an excuse to leave.

Speaker 2:

You're trying to have S&Ms.

Speaker 1:

I'm not. Yeah, I'm not going to make an excuse to leave, but I'm also not going to get turned on only mostly because of the patent leather bodysuit.

Speaker 2:

If it now what I will say? What I will say. What I will say is if it got the mouth, if it got he got everything with the mouth, like could you know how some people just be?

Speaker 1:

fucking. That's the women thing and maybe you're, maybe he got it for women. I'm saying, maybe he got it up there just for women. I don't fucking know yeah yeah that that that either way I mean, could be for anybody. But anyway, that, yeah that, that it's the patent body leather suit for me.

Speaker 3:

That's for me. For me, it's that.

Speaker 2:

But, then, hold on.

Speaker 3:

Hold on.

Speaker 1:

It's the patent leather body suit, because I had to reread the question. It's the fact that you got the shit hanging on the wall like they had that shit it's the wall for me. So what you doing?

Speaker 2:

I know it's your parents visit. Is your parents alive?

Speaker 1:

They gonna be like Christian Grey when you gotta use a key to unlock the door To get in that room.

Speaker 2:

So the reason why the patent leather Body suit gets me especially Hanging on the wall. Have y'all anybody remember people under the stairs?

Speaker 2:

yes, yes, okay, remember the husband and wife was also brother and sister, and towards the end he had on that whole pat leather, uh uh leather suit on with the chocolate and everything. So, um, yeah, that shit uh will be questionable because of that, because of that leather suit, like I don't know what she capable of, what she on, what she trying to do. Let's see if there's some questions on here. Liz went to the bathroom. Oh, so this is what happens when people can't hold their bladder. I think that was the last card, though We'll see, um, but yeah, while she is gone To, uh, the bathroom, let me give a couple shout outs To a couple events we got going on this week. With this weekend taking place, uh, where she at shout out to, uh, shout out to Sarah Branch. She got the sound and therapy and fire ceremony going on at Badger Rock Neighborhood Center. This is going to be happening on Saturday, july 13th, between the hours of 1 30 pm and 2 45 pm. So anybody looking to feel refreshed and balanced definitely should go check that out. You know, couples or individuals or groups, you know either one, don't matter. Just if you're looking to just find some balance, some relaxation, self-care, check that event out by Sarah Branch that's the Sound Therapy and Fire Ceremony at Badger Rock Neighborhood Center. That's off of Rimrock Road, rimrock and East Badger. We also have on Saturday, july 13th at 10 pm the Love Zone R&B Ladies Night Karaoke Live Edition with DJ M White in the building and Intuition Productions bringing that to the community.

Speaker 2:

I just bartended an all-white event that they did yesterday and they had it laid out. You know they had a drone recording from above. They had artists in there airbrushing or paint the spray, spray paint mural on the spot. Why I'm using clean. They have food, free food and drinks, the smoke, the bubbles in the live entertainment karaoke. So that was good. Shout out to them.

Speaker 2:

Um, but this Saturday they'll be at the Moxie downtown. It's called the Moxie off of Gorham 702 East Forum. And again, that is this Saturday from 10pm to 1.30am. Get in tune with that. You can always check the event space or the events page on Facebook.

Speaker 2:

And then July 18th, on a Thursday at 7 pm, we got the concerts on the rooftop on Manola Terrace that they do every year. Y'all know Ken Folk will be out there. They're always out there. They will be out there on the 18th, that's a Thursday, at 7 pm. They will be out there on the 18th that's a Thursday at 7 pm and then, last but not least, july 20th, at 2 pm.

Speaker 2:

Also on a Saturday, will be the fourth annual summer kickback at Penn Park and that is brought to you by Urban Triage. Again, that is the fourth annual summer. Uh, sizzle kickback and that goes from 2 pm to 7 pm. Uh, again, that is on the 20th of july. So, um, shout out to all of them. You know, people say there's nothing or not much to do in madison, but, um, there's a lot of events, a lot of events going on in madison, a lot of things that people can do. Um, and I'll, there's a lot of events, a lot of events going on in Madison, a lot of things that people can do, and I'll just say it, outside of nigga shit.

Speaker 2:

A lot of times for real a lot of times we say nothing to do in Madison. That's because it ain't nigga shit to do in Madison, but just some regular ass, typical shit. And I'm not even talking about white people shit, because you know there's a difference.

Speaker 1:

But just regular ass people.

Speaker 2:

Shit, there's plenty to do here and it's like sometimes we be so stuck on that or being anti-supportive that we don't look for or go to or support the things that are happening in Madison, but we're still those be the same people complaining saying that there is nothing to do here.

Speaker 1:

So, with that being said, okay, so for for all the people that are there, I want to shout out me in my new video that I did melody. If y'all ain't seen it already, go on.

Speaker 2:

YouTube On this here.

Speaker 1:

Couch On this here couch In this here studio. You get to see the real Spit Talk background all up and through the video. I'm excited. It's my second video that I've ever done and I just feel like go fucking watch it. You thought I'd feel like go fucking watch it.

Speaker 2:

go watch it, share like comment, subscribe, all that shit you know all that um one more thing I did forget to mention and uh, I apologize for that um, cause my thing is not showing it or did not show it, but there is the, uh, the daytime, um the daytime party.

Speaker 1:

Today the day party the day party.

Speaker 2:

That's uh top.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it is, and it's happening technically like it started an hour ago, an hour and minutes ago, and that's where I plan to be after this Wink, wink.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, yeah, it started today. It started an hour ago, so if you're looking for something to do on a Sunday, you should go and check them out.

Speaker 1:

Daytop R park. Now, it did say that the rooftop was going to be um it was. It wasn't going to be announced until day uh, or you know, day of, or whatever, and I'm assuming that's probably just to a select like pay people or whatever but you know it's it's on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

Look it up. Can't tell you where it is right now because I don't know. I guess I gotta figure that out as well. But uh, it has like the cash app and everything on there. So in a number of the texts. So if you're looking for something to do today in madison, there is a day party rooftop somewhere going on in the city today.

Speaker 2:

Anything else you want to say to the people?

Speaker 3:

No, that's it I was just looking for the email.

Speaker 1:

honestly, oh, here let's see, I don't know how much information I got on it, but I got the flyer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I was looking for, but I don't think I heard our Facebook friends, so that being said maybe, come on, seriously, don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Don't do that. Like it pulled, it pulls it up. Okay, here we go. It's called agbat madison's first exclusive day party.

Speaker 3:

They got tables and whatnot.

Speaker 1:

You could just go and pay to go in there. Just your regular entry and if you've got a group of people, y'all can pay for a table and all of that other extra stuff. They got their cash up and everything on there. It looks like it's to hang on. Let me try to pronounce the name because I don't want to botch it but but um oh it's cupcake atonia okay, yeah, it has a yeah thing, and I wouldn't say it like that. Okay, well, it's cupcake, it's cupcake party everybody who knows cupcake knows cupcake.

Speaker 2:

Um, she's a great host. Um, you know, there's usually no dramas at the events that she throws. Um, it's always love and and good entertainment. Um, so definitely go out and do that. Um, you can look for the flyer, because I think there's a link or a skin or something on there to send.

Speaker 1:

There's definitely like a little cash app in.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure if you can pay at the door, but you might be able to pay at the door.

Speaker 1:

They did say that it was it had capability of paying at the door.

Speaker 2:

It might be a little more at the door, but not too much more. It might be the same price at the door.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it did say it might be a little more at the door, but not too much more.

Speaker 2:

It might be the same price, but there is a pay at the door option. So if it's last minute for you and you want to go show up there, um is that on park street?

Speaker 1:

it didn't say, it said, it said yeah, it said location was going to be what's the rooftop party?

Speaker 2:

it might be on park street, if y'all know cupcake shit go on her facebook but it might be the one on park street at the uh the hub, the black business hub. Okay, um, that's where I know.

Speaker 1:

That's what I suppose I need to figure it out because I'm trying to go right, you need to figure out anybody who at the party on this video d. Dm me or put it in the comments, because I need to know where it's at.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right. Well, this is going to conclude this week's episode of Real Spit Talk. Catch you with us, you know.

Speaker 2:

Real quick. We will be having a couple of guests coming on the show. These a couple of uh guests, um coming on the show. Um, these next couple of months, we want to try to, um, if you have a business or you're an artist, whatever that might be um, any type of entrepreneurship, uh, really, um, we want to be able to promote and support that.

Speaker 2:

Or, yeah, highlight, you know what it is that you do. It might not be much, it might be a lot to somebody, it might not be much to anybody, but overall it's still a different fan base, it's still a different crowd from the ones that you're already reaching with your business. So if you think, or you have something uh that you want to present, as far as your business whether you're a comedian, uh rapper, singer, um actor, um painter, um I mean, you do business in eyelashes, eyebrows, you know, whatever the case is, and and it's something that you want to present uh, you can inbox one of us.

Speaker 1:

You give the inbox um, you can, yeah, I'm just okay.

Speaker 2:

So somebody reported our page, the real spit talk page. Yeah, and all transparency, um, which is it's funny, because we don't do or say anything that offends anybody in particular. So not in particular, unless the shoe fits. Unless the shoe fits. Someone reported our Real Spit Talk page on Facebook, so we have to recreate another one. There's still the Real Spit Talk channel on YouTube that you can go watch the videos, but we will be setting up the new Facebook page sometime this week on YouTube that you can go watch the videos, um, but, uh, we will be um setting up the new um Facebook page sometime this week and um, then we will go from there. However, again, if y'all have um something that you want to present or you want to be a guest on the show, um, either inbox me or lady, lady lady Blake, lady Elizabeth, you better some people are only friends with you on there.

Speaker 1:

No, no it's late.

Speaker 2:

Okay, go to the lady, lady Blake page, inbox me or inbox her so that we can get you set up with, uh, the questions and the date for you to come on you said date and that instantly clicked in my head.

Speaker 1:

Okay, just to let you guys know we're gonna be doing the real spit talk. Love connection maybe. And it's maybe because, first off, you never fucking know. You watch shit like pop the balloon and the motherfucker could literally just but boy that show is. This is different because this is definitely like a blind date sort of thing, and we want people to get to know each other for the personality versus the look of it. But keep an eye out on that because we have a main contest.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and if you want to be on it, dm me so, yeah, whether you want to be a contestant that's competing, um, uh, for for the person in the chair, or you want to be the person in the chair that's looking for a date, um, inbox one of us, yeah, let us know that you want to so that we can check availabilities and get you set up with some men or women or both some of y'all you know. But we can get that, get that set up so that we can possibly set up a date and you can see where it goes from there yeah, so just the guys.

Speaker 1:

Let you guys know right now we do have a contestant, the the main person. It is a female and this female is into both men and women. So if you're interested, dm, and we can get you set up for this first episode, potentially so d and and that's just one contestant. So if you want to be a contestant.

Speaker 2:

You can still dm to be a contestant yeah, we just said at a later date, um, but yeah yeah, so stay tuned for love connection.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I was going to say not this. It put something right above the fucking in-connection part in live that it wouldn't even let me fucking take it off.

Speaker 2:

I think my phone's paying attention. This is the. I literally almost said her name when I was trying to name drop the chick who said that about the guy I promise this is her.

Speaker 1:

Oh, shante Braxton, I was about to say Shante, a little lie. I was like Shante on the line, like it was live. I was trying to tell you on the live she knows who she is.

Speaker 2:

We got shared twice. I know the dude that she was talking about dealing with. I know her from Sintel, like working back, like years ago.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But I grew up with the dude that she was talking about, you know, and she was talking about him and my brother was friends, and then they fell out because they caught a case. He tried to put it on my brother, type of shit.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, she like put it all out there and then it was like what all? I mean just that he didn't answer the phone and she was okay with it.

Speaker 3:

Like about the ice.

Speaker 1:

That he likes thumbs and closing his ass. No, I thought you were talking about the whole. He didn't she about the ice that he likes, thumbs and oh. No, no, I thought you were talking about the whole, he didn't she. The ice texted him and you know she texted him that they needed ice and then no, that was, that was a, that was two other people well, you didn't necessarily bring up a situation, you just were talking about the, the, the women that post about the boo once they fall out.

Speaker 2:

They fell out. She posted a long thing about all the stuff they did or that she was doing to him for all these months and they're like girl, you was doing this, so you did it a couple times, multiple times, and you liked that shit too. But then you know it's like, but now that y'all are and it's usually when you find out he fucking with somebody else because now you see that you ain't the one that like that shit, someone else like that kinky ass shit too. I mean that means he didn't get familiar about it, right, but now you want to expose him on and on. He's like you know. So now I ain't got no choice but just to be with you. But that'd be the same method that women use when they date niggas from prison and jail. They target men that have criminal backgrounds that most women wouldn't typically harbor that nigga, or cuff that man because of that background.

Speaker 2:

So then he's dependent on you more, which is the reason why they get so upset when they find out other women still like him and they be like no, you like him. You know you fucking with him and the whole time he a hoe, this and this and that. You know what I mean Like, but it's like you was fucking with him too, knowing all of that. But that ain't the case. You accepted it. You trying to make her feel bad about accepting it too.

Speaker 1:

I cannot accepted it. You trying to make her feel bad about accepting it too?

Speaker 2:

I cannot.

Speaker 1:

I think that it doesn't let me see who like this right now. Who like this? Yeah, it has seven you can tag me in it.

Speaker 2:

No, I know even my cousin was watching. There's a lot of watchers, though that came in.

Speaker 1:

Who's your cousin? Well, they don't have to be on my facebook page. Well, they don't have to be on my Facebook page. You met him before. When was it? I mean, a lot of people don't know who the fuck that is.

Speaker 2:

But you met him as my cousin.

Speaker 1:

Oh, did I.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when we was at the TK for your birthday, when you bought your grandma and her boyfriend a drink and you told him not to give it to you.

Speaker 1:

No, that was Papa who bought the drink. Somebody was with Papa, but Papa was the one.

Speaker 2:

no, on your birthday, papa was not at the tea party.

Speaker 1:

That wasn't my birthday anyway it was your birthday. No, I was talking about when, because it was just me and Linda there and Linda wasn't there on my birthday, right? And Bianca well, I mean, it was other people, but not Linda no-transcript.

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